23. Dealing with the Devil

Start from the beginning

"Cap'n," spoke Squalo.

"Yes?" Replied Luci, looking up at once.

"Why don't me, Shroom, Thumpback and Stump go to the unmapped destination?" He suggested, causing Shroom Boom to begin staring with hope to his Captain. After some moments of silent, Luci spoke once more.

"I'll allow it," she decided, "but you must meet us at Mystic Mill at your earliest convenience!"

"Cap'n!" Squalo agreed, saluting, before hopping aboard Bowhead.


Once all was prepared, both ships headed off towards their destinations. Chill, once more, found herself working hard as a member of the crew, tying the odd knot here, pulling a rope here and there, scrubbing the deck; to Chill it was all in the Skylanders service. While she always remembered her days within the Avalanche's grand crew with much fondness, she had not anticipated quite how much she'd missed the feeling that came with it. She felt a part of herself return to her on the Astronave.

Yet, at the end of a long day of work, Chill allowed herself to rest. However, knowing Chill well comes with the knowledge that Chill does not rest. Not ever, not truly. No, there's always a purpose with Chill. She will sleep to be ready to fight again, she will play to win and she will only let her guard down in order to fool the enemy.

"Go fish," she decreed. The table shook and there was a yell of frustration.

"But ye asked me for sevens only moments ago, ye cheating land whale!" Yelled Squidbeard as he threw his fist at the table.

"You're getting forgetful in your old age, tentacle breath," Chill replied, giving a slightly smug smile. Squidbeard, a snarl on his face still, violently grabbed another card from the central pile and added it to his deck. "So, are you enjoying your confinement?" Chill asked the pirate. He gave her a hateful glance.

"Oh yes, I do adore being tied up in chains," he replied, shaking them about. "You'll rue the day you tied Squidbeard in chains... When I escape-"

"IF," Chill corrected, "you forget that you'll have to make it past me."

"A little sea pickle like yourself will be no match for my anger-fuelled cutlass," Squidbeard replied, "...now take your turn."

"Fine," she agreed, "You got any kings?"

"FISHSTICKS!" He yelled, launching three cards across the table towards Chill, "You're as slippery as a seadog." Chill collected the cards and placed the set upright on the table.

"Shall I take that as a compliment?" She teased, "Now, tell me: where would Rustbeard go? He's abandoned his captain, lost his ship and his crew. Where's he got left to go?" She fiddled with her cards. "Got any twos?"

"Go fish," roared Squidbeard. "If you think that I'll betray ol' Rustbeard, you're mistaken, girlie. There's nothing more sacred than the loyalty between two pirate comrades." He leaned back in his chair and allowed the chains to loosen their grip on him. "B'sides," he continued, "you underestimate him greatly. Got any aces?"

"Underestimate him how...?" Chill raised an eyebrow, passing over an ace to the pirate. "Rustbeard has always had my admiration. He'd beat you in a fight any day, for certain."

"Hey hey, I could hold my own against Rustbeard!" Yelled the squid, "Who do you think taught him how to swing a cutlass like that? All me, baby," he looked at his cards, "Got any nines?"

"Go fish. So, what, he's got another ship out there is that it?" Chill asked, organising her cards.

"Oh yes," Squidbeard revelled, "and another few besides that."

"A fleet, huh?" Chill asked, "Got any sevens?" A smile arrived upon her face as her opponent's eyebrows began to descend.

"AGH!" He yelled, giving away his three sevens. "YOU CHEAT, YOU MANIPULATIVE LITTLE LEECH! YOU SLIMY, !!" He crossed his arms. With his golden hook being seen as too dangerous to be left on, it had been removed and sat in a box elsewhere in the cargo. Instead, there was a flaccid glove which he had no way to operate. It amused Chill, though, as he often threatened her with it before forgetting his hook had been removed.

"What can I say? I'm just a natural at this, I guess," Chill gloated. "After the fall of the empire, I travelled around a lot with various crews. Let's just say I was taught by the best."

"Not that Dreadbeard fella?"

"The one and only," Chill replied. Squidbeard roared with laughter.

"So," he eventually managed to inquire, "you were in a pirate crew back in the day?" He cackled.

"Let's leave that one between us, shall we?" She said standing up. He raised an eyebrow.

"So that's it, is it?" He asked, "Letting me get back to my solitude without even finishing our game?" Chill rolled her eyes, but smiled.

"I know you're thick as a sunfish, so I'll spell it out for you," she explained, "It's my turn, yes?"


"I've got one card, right? And you've got three. And we've taken all cards from the pile."

"That's right; are you going to get to the point?"

"Okay, fine, have it your way: Squidbrain, you got yourself any threes?" He punched the table and handed all his cards over. Chill lined up her 10 piles of card before her and compared that to Squidbeard's three.

"You cheated," Squidbeard muttered.

"You wish," smiled Chill before she pulled herself up the ladder.

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