"Not the time, Shinso. We need to quickly call the police." I replied.

"Already done. The cashier made the call the moment the fight started."

"That's good." I sighed with relief. That was my first actual run in with a villain. Sure it was just a basic robbery but still. A lot of things could've gone wrong there.

Shinso noticed my plight and tried to reassure me. "Hey relax, everything went fine. And besides, isn't this why you wanted to become a hero?" He pointed to the side towards the customers that were inside the store.

"T-thank you so much!"

"You saved us!"

"Are you kids trying to be heroes? Well you've got yourselves a fan!"

I widened my eyes seeing this. Hearing their gratitude quickly dampened all my bad mood and put a smile on my face.

A hero that people could rely on huh? Looks like my dream isn't just gonna be a dream after all.


The Warping Hero —


The Police quickly arrived and took the robbers into custody. The police captain that was on the scene thanked us and reassured us that we wouldn't be charged with illegal quirk use since it was basically self-defense. He did give us a warning though not to do it again until we actually become heroes.

After that, I went home and my parents immediately swarmed me the moment I got my foot inside the front door. My mom got worried when the police called the coffee shop and told her that i got involved in a robbery. I reassured her that everything is fine and I wasn't hurt at all.

"I'm fine mom. I didn't get injured at all a,d Shinso was there to watch my back"

It took a while for my mom to be reassured. She just told me to take it easy and rest, which I listened to wholeheartedly.

I laid on my bed as I stared on the ceiling. The day's events replaying inside my head. So many things could've gone wrong. If the villain were any less incompetent, he would've realized Shinso's brainwashing and acted. He could've shot either Shinso or the cashier in his panic.

'We were lucky. It could've gone so many different ways. But in the end, Shinso and I did good work.'

I smiled remembering the people's gratitude. In the end, everything worked out. That's all that matters.

The next morning, Shinso and I sparred under the supervision of the instructors. One of many we've done since we've started our combat classes.

"Fighters ready? First to land a hit wins." Shinso and I nodded as we both fall into our fighting stances.


I quickly shortened the distance between us, throwing a punch at his head. Shinso parried and gave a quick counter jab, which I managed to block reflexively. Our back and forth continued until I jumped back and threw a practice knife in his direction. Shinso tilted his head to the side, and knowing what's gonna happen next, quickly turned sideways as I suddenly appeared holding the knife I just threw. I threw a kick while still in the air that he managed to block with crossed arms. I drew a second knife and slashed in his direction. He couldn't dodge fast enough as the blade nicked him in the.shoulder.

"Dammit!" Shinso cursed as he took a step back and rolled his shoulders.

"Looks like its my win." I said with a grin.

"Yeah yeah, enjoy it while it lasts. I'm taking you down next time." Shinso replied with a huff.

"Well done, both of you. You have both definitely improved from the years you've been here. You two are by far the best students to have stepped foot in this class. I know that you both wish to enter the hero course. Know that if you ever need advice or a sparring partner, the doors of this dojo will always be open."

"Thank you sensei."

And with that, we kept our training day and night to make our dreams of getting to U.A a reality. And before I knew it, the day of the entrance exams had arrived.


That marks the end of chapter 3 of The Warping Hero.

Make sure to leave reviews if you have any opinions or suggestions!

Next chapter will be the UA Exams and its results.


Advanced chapters on my Patreon! You could get up to chapter 30 by the time this was uploaded.


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