They continued to watch the movie for a while longer. A sexual scene came on between the two main characters. Definitely awkward for the two boys. Geto only cleared his throat, sitting upright. Gojo averted his gaze, focusing his attention to something else. The sounds from the tv filled the room. Gojo had enough and reached for the remote. He skipped through until the scene was done. Geto only watched as he did so, admiring his side profile. Gojo was quite handsome. No wonder the girls were all over him.

Gojo looked back to see the other man staring. "Am I that handsome?" He teased as he leaned back on the couch, his blue eyes meeting dark ones. Geto chuckled nervously before speaking again. "I mean..I guess." Gojo could feel his face getting hotter. "You mean that? Like you're not joking around?" He leaned closer to Geto, not even acknowledging this. "Yeah. You're pretty good looking for a dude." He answered honestly. It felt a bit embarrassing to say this aloud. Gojo was internally screaming. Did Geto seriously call him handsome? This wasn't real. Was it?

Geto could see he was visibly surprised by his comment. "I didn't mean it in a weird way, y'know? Like-" he was interrupted by their lips meeting each other. He oddly missed his soft lips. Geto didn't object and actually kissed him back. The white haired man was caught off guard but didn't pull away.

The light from the tv shined on their bodies in the darkness as they kissed. Gojo leaned forward, causing Geto to fall back on the couch. The sounds of lip smacking and the soft sound of the voices from the tv filled the room. Gojo's hands moved from the couch to Geto's body, his fingers sliding up his shirt. Geto let out a small moan in surprise as he did so. "Ah-Satoru!" He called out, stopping his hands from going any further. Gojo blinked a few times and eased up off of him. "I-sorry. I don't know what got into me." Geto sat up and fixed his clothes. "Satoru." His tone was soft and gentle. The man looked over at the other. "It's fine. gentle." He mumbled the last part.

A bit of surprise was visible on Gojo's face. He would let him? Gojo nodded before leaning back in and placing another kiss on his lips. After a moment, their kiss deepened, Gojo licking the other's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Geto parted his lips a bit more so he could slide his tongue in. The white haired man tried to take things slow for him, their tongues swirling around slowly.

Gojo's hands slid down to his waist. He could feel the other man shiver under his touch. He wasn't resisting now. Was that a good sign? Gojo's eyes flicked up to meet his. "Can I?" He asked, just to make sure. His fingers slowly started to slid up his shirt again. Geto hesitated before giving the man a slight nod in approval. Gojo's heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest as he slowly but surely moved his hands up the other man's shirt. He could feel his smooth skin on his hands. And was that abs? He didn't know Geto worked out.

Geto laid back to get more comfortable as he watched Gojo's hands go up his shirt. Were they really going to do this? He felt anxious but excited at the thought. Gojo pulled up his shirt just enough to reveal the upper half of his body. He traced his fingers up from his stomach to his chest. "Am I going too fast? Is it too much?" He asked with a slightly concerned tone. Geto shook his head. He let out a small "No". The white haired man nodded and continued.

His skin felt so velvety and soft under his fingertips. He traced the lines and muscles on his stomach and chest. Geto was feeling all sorts of things he shouldn't even be feeling. It was the arousal, the neediness, longing. Love. Love? That wasn't it. He was just feeling heated at the moment. Not in his right mind. He hadn't touched himself or did any sexual activities in a year or two. He couldn't blame himself for feeling this way.

Gojo could see the visible enjoyment on the other's face. His hands glided down to the waistband of his shorts. He could even see his V-line. It was too tempting. Geto flinched and grabbed his hands. "Don't." It was more of a plea than a demand. Gojo nodded and took his hands off him for a moment. "Okay. We don't have to do that. You're fine with me just kissing you?" He wanted to confirm, to not upset him in the future. The dark haired man nodded. They pressed their lips up together once more, eventually letting their tongues meet as well.

They made out for what seemed like forever. Though, it was maybe a few minutes or so. Geto pulled back to get some air. After a few seconds of trying to catch his breath, Geto leaned back in. Just as he was about to lock their lips again, Gojo's phone buzzed on the couch. Gojo shot him an apologetic look before answering. It was Shoko calling. "Hey Satoru!" She beamed through the phone. "Shoko? Why're you calling so late?" He sat up now. "You wanna get some coffee tomorrow? To y'know. Catch up. Talk about things. Specifically Geto." She coughed the last part out. Gojo's face was a bit red now. "Oh fine. What time?" He asked.

Geto also sat up now. He didn't want to be nosy. He stood up from the couch, trying to go over to his room. "Where are you going?" Gojo mouthed as he grabbed his wrist. Shoko was still on the phone, giving him some details about tomorrow. Geto pointed to his room. Gojo still held onto his wrist, not letting him go.

Geto stayed in place, watching Gojo talk on the phone. He hung up after a few minutes of talking. He looked up. "I'm gonna go hang out with Shoko tomorrow." He announced. Geto only nodded. "Okay. I'm gonna head to bed." He said in a normal tone, as if they didn't just make out on the couch. Gojo let go of his wrist, allowing him to go to bed. "Okay. Uh..night then." Geto nodded and went into his room, to not be seen again till morning. Gojo was slightly disappointed. He got up and went into his own room as well, getting ready for bed.

A/N: sorry this chapter is so short! I was lacking some motivation. Next chapter will be longer. Thank you for reading. :)

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