Clone Wars Begin

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Anakin tracked her down the next morning, finding her sat on the Bannister watching the Sunrise. "Master, I had another Dream. Exactly the same as the night before." She turned to him, then nodded. "I see. I take it you wish to go to Tatooine?" Her Padawan nodded. "Very well. Tell Padme that we're going to Tatooine."
"But we have to protect her?"
"Anakin, she's coming with us."

The meeting with Shmi skywalker's new family definitely could have gone better. Then again, she probably shouldn't have just waltz in unannounced. But before that, she went to Watto's and tore the information she needed from his mind, leaving him a soulless husk on the floor of his Workshop. Then they went to the Lars homestead. She knocked on the door, and walked in the moment the door opened saying "hello, you don't mind if we just let ourselves in do you? Of course you don't." Before the man who opened the door asked "who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house?!" She sighed. "Goddamn it, I forgot my manners again." She cleared her throat. "I'm Jedi Grandmaster Kami and this is my Padawan Anakin Skywalker. This is the Lars Homestead, right?" The man nodded slowly. "Excellent. We're looking for Shmi Skywalker, Anakin's mother. Is she here?" The man shook his head. "I think you should come in and take a seat, I have bad news." A vision briefly flashed before her eyes, of Shmi Skywalker dying in Anakin's arms. Her mouth went dry, but she understood the Force's message. Shmi Skywalker was destined to die, but it was necessary for Anakin to reach his destiny.

Anakin had predictably lost his Temper when he was told his Mother had been Kidnapped by the Tusken Raiders over a month earlier. He took some comfort from her, but that night she watched him leave. "Do you think he'll be okay, Master Kami?" Padme asked. She nodded. "Yes, at least he will be physically. Mentally, not so much." Padme looked worried by her admittance. It was only a few hours later that she felt Shmi skywalker pass away, almost immediately followed by the deaths of all the Tuskins in the camp. Anakin returned just as the sun was rising, carrying his mother's body wrapped in a sheet.

She found Anakin crying in a back room shortly after Shmi Skywalker's funeral, and the same motherly instincts that had led to her turning Abeloth into a child kicked in once more, this time telling her to comfort her apprentice. She took a seat on the table next to him. "It wasn't your fault Anakin." Anakin sobbed. "I should have been here master!" She shook her head. "You couldn't have known it would happen, and if you had been here you likely would never have been found by Qui-gon. There was nothing you could do."
"But you could have!" She shook her head. "No Anakin, I couldn't have changed this. Fate cannot be changed, only the route you take to get there. Besides, I'm Immortal, not Omnipotent. If you hadn't had that dream, I wouldn't have known until Shmi died. I'm sorry." Anakin shook his head. "It's alright Master, you aren't to blame. I just miss her. Does it ever get easier?" She thought of Neville and Luna, then her kids. "It does, but it never goes away. But, if you think what you're going through is Tough, Imagine outliving your Great, Great, Great Grandchildren. The pain fades, but it never goes away." She sniffed. "I miss my Husband, Neville. We went through school Together, and fought side by side in a war only I could stop. Then we started a family, and had three kids. I was only Seventeen when I ended the war, and only a year later I was pregnant with a little baby girl on the way. But then, we realised I wasn't ageing, my body stuck at 16. So I got to watch as the man I loved grew old, then I woke up one morning and he was dead. Pretty sure I woke the kids up when I screamed, as my eldest came rushing in with her wand out, ready to curse whoever had upset me. Then she saw Neville and immediately understood. My husband's funeral was a small affair, just friends and family were present." She sniffed again, tears building in her eyes. "Yeah, it gets easier." It sounded like she was trying to convince herself. Maybe she was, or maybe losing Neville had hit her harder then she thought. Anakin hugged her, and she gave him a grateful smile as she returned it.

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