[ day 02 :: bonds ]

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Rain poured upon New York City at around noon, on a normal summer day. The inhabitants of such a humongous city did not seem pleased by it, as the amount of traffic found in the city itself is enough, without having to deal with it raining. Pile-ups in nearly every main street made it seem as if an angry swarm of bees were storming around the megalopolis, shouting and ranting about how they needed to be somewhere else. Those who walked around the city, ran indoors as they did not seem to appreciate the thought of getting soaking-wet. Some people were probably falling asleep, as they found the rain truly relaxing- leaving any productive task for later.

Yet seeing as he didn't mind the weather at all, he still found himself running around like a mad-man on the roof of an important building. He was accompanied by a blond boy, whom he knew by Luke, who was also running around- chasing after him. He was laughing softly, as the boy never seemed to catch him, his eyes crinkling slightly.

Never had he imagined that he would see Luke again, after the first time they met. He thought that Luke was merely the son of a business-man, who had made an appearance for a single day at a meeting, and that he had dragged his unfortunate son with him. But the very next day, when he came in- he found him to be around still. He didn't know why, but he liked it that way. He liked having someone around him, someone to play with, someone to speak with. Even if that someone didn't talk back, which was odd, but he never questioned it. He hoped that Luke would speak sooner or later, but he would not push him to it. And now he found Luke here everyday, sitting down at the exact same spot where he met him as if waiting for him to come.

He ran faster, and faster, evading Luke quite easily as he did so. He then heard Luke growl lowly, before he saw him sprint forward and tackle him down to the ground. His hands were pinned down to the floor quite firmly now, and the boy smirked down at him- his eyes sparkling with excitement and satisfaction. He then rolled off him, a smirk still playing on his lips as he stood up.

He saw the boy hold his hand out to aid him, and he grasped it firmly, feeling himself being pulled up. Is this what it is like to have a someone? thought he as they both stood in front of each other, shivering, their teeth chattering- the rain falling upon them.

His breath was rather heavy, and he noticed that Luke seemed tired, therefore after reaching some sort of silent agreement, he went and laid down on the ledge. Not only was one leg hanging in the air, but so was half of his body, yet he showed now fear. He simply stared up at the cloudly sky, rain splattering on his face. But he thought not of it. He couldn't think of anything else but of what he never thought he would acquire...

And that, is a friend.

But he was starting to think, he could call Luke that. He could call him his friend. His first and maybe last friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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