You adjusted yourself on the carrier, "Stop with the names. and the storage room."

"Alright, hold on tight booboo sugar free brown sugar," He yelled out and started biking without warning making you gasp and clutch onto the back of his shirt for dear life, "Satoru, you idiot!" You hissed, before blushing and tentatively wrapping your arms around his waist, hoping it'd play of as you wanting to steady yourself.

Satoru chuckled loudly, the wind hit you sharply, his soft hairs tickling your cheek occasionally. You rested your face on his back-this was cheesy, yes.

But it felt comforting,

Getting to touch him like this, spending mundane moments together-even if they were fraught with hushed sweet nothings and innocuous insults,

Maybe you were content with not putting a label to your feelings. He was here, beside you.

"Almost there!" He announced as the two of you neared the storage room,


He hummed under his breath, slightly turning his head towards you to let you know he was listening,

"You do know how to break, right..?"


-skip ! ★ )

"I'm gonna fucking kill you,"

Gojo chuckled as he kept bumping into you on purpose as the two of you swept away the random leaves. "Bury me with my middle fingers up then." he continued to laugh, you noticed how it sounded like a fuckass wild sprinkler,

You smacked his legs with the broom, it repelling because of his infinity, you groaned, "I'm gonna cut your middle fingers off and give them to the higher-ups."

"Atta girl," He said in a-what you assumed-flirtatious manner while striking a strangely crooked pose. You blankly stared at him before wordlessly turning away.

Satoru sighed and shook his head, displeased at you (rudely, might he add) ignoring his inestimable charms,

There's a big difference between self aware and self obsessed. "We're almost done here, could you get the dust pan? I forgot it earlier," You said without turning around, you already knew he would froth at the mouth about how he isn't gonna do it-


You immediately swooshed around, watching as he dropped the shopworned broom and walked away. "..huh?"

What was next? the world was ending? because this is pretty crazy if I do say so myself. You shrugged pensively before going back to sweeping leaves as you deemed the issue inconsequential,

After few minutes something was dropped on your head, "Delivery." Satoru muttered, repetitively smacking your head with the dust pan, "Shitty delivery service, give up on your job. you're useless." you snatched the dust pan away from his grasp,

Satoru childishly stuck out his tongue before helping you clean up.


You've noticed that by now, sunset and Satoru (a deadly combo) was a sight you've started seeing often, and it might just be your favorite sight. Although, you doubt the sunset can ever emulate the beauty of Satoru's eyes,

The aforementioned male dropped a plastic bag between the two of you as you were now sat on the open staircase after cleaning up, "I bought candies earlier,"

✶ 𝗢𝗞𝗔𝗘𝗥𝗜 / gojo satoruजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें