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Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's first pregnancy was difficult but normal. As her belly swelled and her body prepared for motherhood, the people grew increasingly anxious for the white haired purple eyed boy. However what shocked everyone was the brown haired brown eyed boy who was born from the princess.

Her second pregnancy was harder than the first. She grew sick and was put on bedrest for most of her pregnancy. However her second born came out easy. Rhaenyra almost didn't even notice as their was barely any pain. When she was able to look at her babe she grew terrified. A baby girl, barely three pounds and very tiny, the size of Rhaenyra's hand.

Rhaenyra spent every waking moment with her children for the next months. She made sure that her daughter was well fed and got enough rest. By the time the baby girl was six months old she had grown a lot but was still much smaller than most babies were at her age. Rhaenyra was just happy that she was healthy.

Unlike her brother who lacked the Valyrian traits, the babe which was named Jessika Velaryon had ash blond hair and dark purple eyes. She stood out in a crowd and amongst her Valyrian family. Jessika quickly learned to use her small stature to her benefit, often slipping away to play outside. Jessika was a true princess at heart but her love for adventure combatted her graceful personality. It amused the princes, the king and her father how she would play outside in the dirt and mud and how she refused to wear shoes, preferring to walk around barefoot. While the male royals found the young princesses antics funny, Rhaenyra and Alicent lost their minds about it. Rhaenyra constantly grew worried about her daughter's safety while Alicent grew angry and frustrated about the lack of discipline the girl showed.

By the age of four tales of the wild yet beautiful princess spread throughout the seven kingdoms. And it didn't help how Laenor encouraged and taught her many outdoor activities. Her favorite thing to do was to climb trees. Jessika first climbed a tree trying to pick peaches for her family. She got one for everyone before Aemond found her. Jessika excitedly gave him a peach before Aemond took her back inside of the castle.

Unbeknownst to her Aemond cherished and valued the gesture. Considering the teasing and bullying he dealt with from his brother and nephews it wasn't often that someone other than his mother genuinely cared about him.

As Jessika steadily grew so did her love for adventure. She started archery lessons and was out for blood when sword training. More times than not she would come back unscathed while her brothers were littered with bruises. However her peaceful life was about to change and Jessika wasn't ready for the change.

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