Dana Scully x Reader

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Dana's POV

Sitting at y/n's desk waiting for her and her team to get back I smile when the elevator opens to reveal an exhausted looking team and stand up as y/n approaches me. Chuckling when she drops her go bag on the floor I pull her into a hug making her wince slightly before she wraps her arms around me with a sigh. "Bad case?" I ask softly and she nods while resting her head on my shoulder tiredly. "How badly are you hurt?"

"Severely bruised ribs and a fractured wrist which is to stay in a support for the next two weeks." She says into my shoulder and I go to let her go but she shakes her head while tigthening her hold on me making me stroke her back lightly. "Don't let go just now, just... give me a minute love." She whispers with a crack in her voice and I nod as I kiss the side of her head while closing my eyes as relief flodds me at the fact that she's home and relatively unscathed.

"How bad was the case? You barely talked about it while we were on the phone before?" I ask her when she slowly pulls back and I help ease her down into her chair when she groans in pain making someone laugh behind us. Rolling my eyes knowing that it's probably Derek I move so that I'm sitting on the desk in front of her and she rests her head on my knees making me chuckle now. "That bad?"

"Four kids Dana, the sick bastard kidnapped and killed four innocent kids and... he didn't give a fuck. He had a list of other kids he was going to kidnap, torture and kill, from the age of four and up he had this whole thing planned out. Every single step documented from how he would get them to the exact method he would use with each kid and I... all I could think about was our little boy and I wanted nothing more than to hold him close to me, shield him from everything that could ever hurt him." She says without lifting her head and I pull her hair out of the clip she had thrown it up in before running my fingers through it soothingly. "I know that I sound ridiculous and that this is my job but... they were so young Dana. They had their whole lives ahead of them and he took that away from them before they even had a chance. I just don't understand how anyone could ever want to hurt something as innocent as those little kids."

"You're not being ridiculous at all and it's not just your job y/n." I tell her softly and she slowly sits up to look at me with a raised eyebrow making me smile as I move to sit in her lap with my fingers still running through her hair soothingly. "He was sick in the head and did something so horrendous that I would worry if you weren't affected by it and I don't just mean as an agent either. Y/n you're a mum and I can only imagine how hard that must have been knowing the fear and worry that you would feel if it was Matthew that was in that situation. I know that I would want to keep him as close to me as I could and I'm not the one that carried him so I can't even begin to imagine how you felt." I say as I rest my head against hers and she shakes her head at that making me smile at her as I lean in to kiss her softly. "Think of it this way y/n, yes four innocent lives were lost and that is completely devastating but you stopped so many other little lives being cut short. So many kids are getting to grow up safely because you and the others took one of the most dispicable men off of the streets."

"Do you realise how much I hate you always being so level headed and logical?" She asks me as she pulls me closer to her with a slight wince making me chuckle as I bring one hand down from her hair to run over her blazer softly making her smile as she leans in to kiss me. Gripping the lapel of her bodysuit tightly as I kiss her back I pull her hair slightly making her bite my lower lip lightly to muffle her moan while I clench my thighs. "Thank you for always knowing how to calm me down and pull me out of my dazes. You have no idea how much I love how well you know me."

"You have nothing to thank me for y/n, you do the exact same with me when I get home from a rough case. We both know each other well enough after all these years together and I'll never tire of hearing you tell me how much you love me and our son. Who can I just say has missed his mummy and can't wait for you to get home." I tell her honestly and she smiles as she squeezes my hip slightly while someone whistles behind us making both of us look round to see Derek and David watching us while Spencer averts his gaze quickly when the elevator opens again to reveal Fox. "Oh kill me now, what could he possibly want or need? I've already told him that I couldn't go to dinner with him multiple times." I groan out and she pulls me into a quick kiss before tapping my hip for me to get up which I do somewhat reluctantly. Helping her up I smile as she takes my hand in her uninjured one and she smiles back at me as she pulls me into her body more.

"Who cares what he needs or wants? It's time for us to go home so that I can see my baby boy and spend time with his sexy as fuck mama who I haven't been able to hold for the last two weeks because of our schedules." She says and I grin at that as I bend down to pick up her go bag making her groan quietly. "You're a tease Dana Scully, a god damn tease." She mutters as I straighten up and I just grin at her while biting my lip as I pull her over to the elevator, completely ignoring Mulder as I do so.

"Maybe but you love it y/n Scully and we both know it." I tell her as the elevator doors shut and she nods with a smile as she rests ehr head on my shoulder again. "You do know that he's bound to have heard that right?"

"And? Dana we've been married for eigth years and together for going on twenty one. Everyone at the bureau knows that we're together and if he doesn't then he's either blind, deaf or both." She says as she straightens up with a grimace making me rest my hand on her ribs lightly and she offers me a small smile in return. "I'm okay Dana, nothings broken and I'll be fine after I have a nice relaxing bath, preferably with my wife beside me, and take some pain killers." She reassures me and I relax slightly while nodding because honestly relaxing in the bath with her sounds like heaven right now. Guiding her out of the elevator when we reach the parking garage I open the car door for her to slip in which she does after kissing my cheek and quickly round to get in with a grin as I drive us home for the night after throwing her go bag in the back of the car.


Walking into work the next morning I roll my eyes when I get knowing looks sent my way before Mulder appears inthe door of his office with a scowl which I return with a raised eyebrow. "What do you want Mulder? If we don't have a case then leave me the hell alone, I've already told you that I won't go for dinner with you so will you go away?"

"No you won't go for dinner with me but you're perfectly happy to act all cosy with some slut in another part of the FBI." He says with a sneer and I glare at him while someone else groans. "Who even is she? Some little plaything that offers you what? A nice meal and a quick fuck."

"That slut happens to be my wife of eight years Fox Mulder and yes while she does very often treat me to the most amazing home cooked dinners and the best sex you could ever imagine she offers me a hell of a lot more than just that. She offers me the safety and security of knowing that if anything should ever happen to me she would be the first one beside my bed. She offers me her unconditional love and support for my career and most of all she has offered me the biggest gift I could ever ask her for, our son." I tell him in a deathly calm tone making a lot of people around me shiver while he looks at me with wide eyes while I step closer to him. "If you ever try and talk about my wife, mother of my son and the woman I have loved for going on twenty five years in any matter again and your non-existant aliens will be the least of your worries." I warn him and go to walk away when he stops me by resting his hand on my arm.

"I never knew that you were married Dana." He says in an attempt to defend himself but I hold up my left hand to show him both my wedding and engagement ring with a glare.

"And that goes to show how observant you truly are Mulder, it's never been a secret. Hell nearly every single person in this building knows about me and y/n and half of this floor was at our wedding." I tell him as I pull my arm out of his grip and move over to my desk with a scowl and get set up for the day in silent hopes that we don't get a case while he slinks back into his office looking embarrassed. Good, that will teach him to not only talk about my wife the way he did but to try and insinuate that I had hidden anthing from him when it really is a known fact throughout the building that we're not only together but married as well. I think to myself as I set about filling out paperwork that I had been either too busy to fill out or had just put off doing until now.

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