Dana Scully x Reader

Start from the beginning

"I'm never getting that jacket back now am I?" I ask her and she just looks at me with a smile making me shake my head with a fond smile as she takes my hand, pulling me closer to her as she tangles our fingers together. "Alright, you officially win, you can keep the damn jacket."

"Told you that I'd get it off of you eventually." She says with a smug smile and I just shake my head with a laugh while Mulder grumbles under his breath making Dana look at him with a glare. "Seriously? If you have something to say then say it. Honestly you're a fully grown man so just say whatever you have to say, don't just grumble under your breath like a child." She tells him with a scowl as the elevator stops in the parking garage and I pull her out of it before she can do something stupid like punch the twat.

"Right, who's car are we taking?" I ask hoping to difuse some of the tension and Dana looks at me with a soft smile as she pulls me towards my car.

"Yours. It's the biggest and you have a siren and lights in yours should we need it." She says and I pass her my keys with a chuckle making Mulder look between us confused. "Oh for god sake would you just say whatever's on your mind and get it over with already?"

"I'm trying to understand what the hell is going on right now. Since when have you been into women and when did this happen? Also what was the deal with mister serious up there?" Mulder asks as we get in my car and I chuckle at Aaron's nickname.

"Hotch has had a rough life Mulder, me and him grew up in pretty crappy families and for a while only really had each other to rely on. He's not always been mister serious but I will say that our job hardens you slightly and when his ex-wife and son became targets to a serial killer... it changed him, even more so when Hayley was murdered in her own home." I tell him with a sigh and he looks at me with wide eyes making me nod. "Aaron's a good guy and completely dedicated to his job but he's just as dedicated to his little boy so don't let that outer shell fool you."

"As for your other questions I've been interested in women since I was in high school and me and y/n have been together for going on ten months now." Dana tells him with a shrug as she drives us to wherever we're going and I look back at him with a chuckle when I see the shock on his face. "We didn't tell people we were together because of both our jobs, we didn't want to risk anything happening to the other so outside of us only you and Aaron know about us. I'd prefer to keep it that way as well, for the sake of our privacy as well as for our safety." She adds as we pull up outside a house making me look at her confused when she gets out and quickly follow her. Walking into the house with her I follow her through to one of the bedrooms confused only to gasp slightly when I see what they needed my help with. "Please tell me this isn't actually a vampire we're dealing with y/n." She mutters to me as I walk over to the side of the bed and crouch down to get a better look.

"Have either of you got a pair of gloves?" I ask as I squint at something and one of them hands me a pair which I quickly slip on. Reaching under the collar of the girls top I pull out a small bit of material that was protruding from one of the many pin point incisions scattered along her body. "I hate to say it Mulder but you aren't looking at a vampire attack, the holes are too small for that. What we are looking at though is a sadistic fuck who has tortured this poor girl before killing her." I say quietly as I tilt my head slightly and motion for Dana to come over to my side. "Look at this, it looks like some kind of ritual mark." I tell her as I point at a specific area where the pin pricks look like they form some sort of celtic knott.

"WHat kind of ritual and how do you mean that he's tortured her before killing her? We thought these were done after she was killed." He asks as he comes over to us and looks at where I'm pointing making me look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Because there was no blood we assumed that they must have been done after he had killed her."

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