chapter 1 // bee's pov

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Quick A/N: Hey guys! ^-^ This is chaper 1 of a #Straubee fanfiction, this main chapter is regarding the elections, so if you haven't seen them yet, you should so I don't spoil it for you! The results are on Graser's channel if you wish to view them. If you've already seen them, please continue reading ^-^ ~


I woke up to screaming and laughing. It's usual, Mitchell loves filming with the boys and I don't blame him, I do to. I walk over to our pantry and grab a spoon of Nutella and sit on the couch. I slouch down in my pajamas and turn on the TV. Nothing is ever on, just the stupid sports. I moved over to the table to continue eating my Nutella, when I heard my computer buzz from across the room. It was Graser requesting to Skype. I can hear Mitchell yell from across the room, "DAMMIT GRASER!" . I silently giggle, and walk over to the other room to answer the call.

"Alright, ladies and gents." Graser says

"What the fuck is this for, Graser." Mitchell replies.

"Damn, Straub. I just wanted to announce that the elections will be held today. Make sure you got your votes in." Graser finishes.

"Was that really necessary to call then? You could have made an announcement in the chat." Mitchell says.

"I could have, my Strubby-Wubby!!!!! I'll just text it to everyone in the group chat. LUV U STRUBBER!!!!" Graser says in his annoying baby voice.

Graser hangs up the call, and I quickly rush on Cube to put my vote in. I voted for my roommate, Mitchell. Not only because he's my roommate, but only because I feel as if he'd be a fitting king. He's kind, and knows what he's doing. I sign the book and quill and put it into the chest. I get a text from Graser in the group chat right after putting my final vote in. It reads -

Ugly Robot: "Hey everyone! Just thought I'd let you know, we will be announcing the winners in an hour. Please make sure you put your vote into the chest in front of the castle! I have all the viewer votes counted up, all I need is you guys! Players who have not voted yet -

Huawhi (He's away, he doesn't count. If he's actually alive, it would still be nice to receive his vote!)

Please make sure you turn in your vote before 4 PM EST otherwise your vote won't be counted!"

I privately message Graser stating I've turned in my vote, and I'm all good to go. I throw my phone onto my bed, and prepare myself for the elections.

"MITCHELL!" I yell for him
"WHAT BEE" He replies to me
"YOU'D BE A GOOD QUEEN. GOOD LUCK FOR YOU TOO!" He yells back at me.

An hour of nervousness, sweating, and eating a whole jar of Nutella, I log onto the Cube and take my place in the audience. I sit next to Joe and Devon. Devon whispers to me, "Good luck, Queen Bee." I nod to him, and turn facing Graser who is sitting up on the balcony with the results. After 6 minutes of talking about results and such, it's down to the top 3. Me, Mitchell, and Will. We all huddle around each other as he announces the number of votes the runner-up received. The 3rd place runner is revealed, it's Will. Mitchell and I jump up and down and Devon showers his signature roses on us, and Graser suggests we discuss who is king, and who is queen. We whisper into the mic, and we decide I will be the queen, and Mitchell will be the king. The audience jumps up and down in joy as Mitchell and I walk off to spawn. I head over to Mitchell's room, as he is finished recording, and I ask him if he'd like to go out for a celebratory dinner. He agrees, and logs out of the Cube. We open the door, and head down the elevator to the main lobby. He grabs his and my penny board from the locker area, and we walk out and penny board down the street to McDonald's. So fancy, I know. He opens the door for me, and we walk up to the front and order our meals. Once they say our food is ready, we grab it and head over to the playground.

"Bee," Mitchell begins.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I have a question for you, Queen." He continues.

"Ask away, King!" I reply to him.

"We've been roommates for a while, rulers of the Cube for barely 2 hours, and friends for as long as I can remember. During this time, I developed a little liking for you. You're gorgeous, funny, nice, and all around amazing. I don't know if you feel the same way, and if you don't it's okay. Nothing changes between us. But Bee, I've been wondering... will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me.

I blush, and my stomach ties up into knots. I love Mitchell, I do. But I don't think I love him like that. I would love to be his girlfriend, but I'm not sure if I actually would want to be. I want to say no, but my gut tells me to say yes. My gut is never typically wrong, so, I agreed.

"Mitchell, I would love to be your girlfriend. It's what the fandom wants, it's what you want, and it's what I want. I would love to go further into our relationship, and I just wanted to say that McDonalds wasn't the most romantic place." I say.

"Yeah, sorry about the setting. I just thought what better time?" He says to me.

We penny board home, and when we arrive at our apartment. He puts the key in, and the door unlocks. He smiles at me, and holds the door open for me. We sit on the couch, we talk and watch Spongebob.

"Bee?" Mitchell says

"Mitchell?" I reply.

"It's getting pretty late. I should probably head out so I have energy for streaming and recording tomorrow. Goodnight." He says

"Goodnight!" I say back.

He kisses me on the cheek, and gets up off the couch and heads to his room. I stay on the couch for awhile watching Spongebob.

5 episodes later, I become tired. I head to my room, turn off the lights, and close my door. I turn off my computer, and tuck myself in. I had a dream about Will, or Kiingtong. It's about me and him dating. We go out on the beach, throw sand at each other as we laugh. We go surfing together, and I'm having the time of my life. I wake myself up, I can't be having this dream. My heart belongs to Mitchell. I shake my head rapidly, and go back to sleep. I can't get him out of my head, every time I close my eyes it's me and him on a date. First it was the beach, now him and I are around a campfire. I'm just so confused. I get up out of bed, and sit on my computer. It's 4 AM but I'm not going to dream of dating someone that isn't Mitchell. I hop on the Cube, and notice Will is online. My god, why? Will is an amazing person but just, you know. I quickly check payments in the Beekary, and log out. I'm so bored, and Will is everywhere. Before you know it, Mitchell is up.
"Hey Bee!" Mitchell says to me in his adorable morning voice.
"Hey!!" I reply.
"How do you feel about a movie tonight?" He asks me.
"I'd love to, Mitchell!" I exclaim.

I'm moving out soon. Approximately a month. Mitchell and I won't be able to see each other for awhile. I'm moving back to my home town along the coast, and he's moving to the city. I'm gonna miss him so so much. Of course, we'll still see each other but it won't be daily like usual.
It's 5 PM, and Mitchell and I are getting ready to go see Insurgent. Neither of us have seen it, but Will says it's amazing. We head downstairs, and hop into Mitchell's car. I get shotgun, and Mitchell has to drive. The theatre is 30 minutes away from us, so we spend the car ride listening to music, and just talking about the most random things.

A/N: Ok well that was Bee's perspective of this c: I'm currently on a road trip, so I have a lot of free time to just write and such. I'm gonna update Mitchell/Straub's perspective later tonight! (: Thanks for reading~
- abigail // kianiibby -

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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