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The next two days pass by in a blur of new curriculum, random lyric inspiration in the dead of night, fiddling with tracks and stress over the lack of updates from Jungkook. Her wolf continues to hint that it would be a fantastic idea to go stalking around campus for foxes, squirrels, puppies, cats, and a bergamot scented wolf hybrid.

By the end of the week, Y/n feels like her eye bags weigh more than her backpack does as she downs an energy drink before climbing out of her car. It's Friday, tomorrow she can crash for more than a scattered few hours and still have time for assignments and creativity.

Her wolf stares at the empty spot where she and the bergamot wolf met and Y/n resolutely does not look, eyes already tempted to close so she can sleepwalk to class. She should not have stayed up so late working on another track but inspiration flows when it wants to and you never fight it.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry to bother you but do you know where the Music and Theatre Production Building is?"

Y/n turns to blink blearily at the stranger, only for her wolf to all but yip in joy as they find themselves face to face with the same white-haired fox hybrid with nervous eyes from before. She'd remember that spearmint scent anywhere with how it's seared in her brain and it shocks her into immediate wakefulness.

'This car place is very good for us. We run into yummy things here.'

It's a parking lot.

'Yes, that.'

"I do actually," Y/n nods, firmly ignoring her wolf. "I'm on my way there now actually. Do you want to follow me?"

"Ah, thank you so much," he bows his head.

She grins, nudging her head to the side. "'Course, kid. Follow me."

"'M not a kid," the fox grumbles under his breath, but Y/n hears him all the way.

"Is that so?" She lifts an amused eyebrow. "How old are you?"

"I'm 22."

"23," Y/n chuckles. "That makes me your noona."

The fox flushes but doesn't respond, his ears ticking at the top of his head. "I-I guess so."

"So is this your first year here?" she asks, intrigued to subtly get to know the hybrid. "I've been at this school for a while and I haven't seen you around."

"Ah, yeah, I'm new," he perks up, eyes lighting up with the chance to talk. "I'm actually on the way to look for my hyung for lunch but I got lost on the way. I-I'm Jeongin, by the way. Yang Jeongin."

"Jeongin," she tests the name on her tongue before turning to him with a small smile. "Pretty."

Jeongin flushes a darker shade of red as he averts his gaze, and the omega relishes in the smell of his shy pheromones even as she finds herself squashing the spark of lyrics and a melody that springs to mind over the shape of his eyes as he smiles.

"I'm Jeong Y/n," she introduces, motioning the way with her head. "Welcome to Miroh University! How are you liking it so far?"

Jeongin sighs, running a hand through his hair. "It's... okay. I didn't expect to see so many hybrids going here but my hyungs went here previously and said that it's very welcoming."

Y/n nods, humming in understanding. "This is my final year and I worried about being a hybrid when I started, too. But a significant proportion of the staff and the students are hybrids so everyone is very welcoming."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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