chapter one

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(Sorry for any misconceptions but i decided to make Ereña 11 instead of six like in the Epilouge to better fit the story, thanks for understanding)

It was 4 hours later, I was in a new car with Landon and the girl I had now learnt the name of, Himiko Toga.  I was safe, for now. And although Landon is freaky, I don't mind being here with them. Himiko told me that Landon was 24 and she was 12, she also told me that I shouldn't be scared, because we were going somewhere safe, where others like me live, she told me that landon ran a sort of, misfit orphanage and that I was completely safe in my "new home". Soon toga passed me my bag telling me that Landon checked through it and deemed it fit to return to me. Strange. I take it back and place it on my lap. When they weren't looking or talking with me I opened the bag quietly and opened the secret zip inside, taking out the phone my dad gave me, incase of emergencies. I looked at the screen and saw 47 missed calls and 209 texts from my brother and dad combined. The messages that stood out the most were the ones talking about how my dad or Erasurehead, and his boyfriend, present mic, had started a search party of pro hero's to look for me. I decided it was best to text my brother. "I'm okay, I'm starting a new life, I love you, tell dad to call of the search and that I'm safe, hopefully I'll see you again Ace." I see two blue ticks next to my message meaning he had seen it and I powered off my phone, not waiting to see his response. But I was swiftly caught when the loud buzz from my phone echoed throughout the car and himiko spoke. "Huh? I turned my phone off, was that your's Lan?" I swallowed a lump of saliva that was at the base of my neck in nervousness. "Nope, mine is in the dash compartment" Landon said, keeping his eyes on the roads of New York.  Himiko slowly turned to me, with a suspicious look plastered onto her face. "Ereña? Do you have somthing to tell us?"
I sigh and nod, there's no point lying to them. "I have a phone that my dad gave me, I just turned it of and I plan to destroy it" I said softly with a slight confident tone. "What!? How didn't I find it I searched your bag?" Landon said, he sounded frustrated at his failure to find the phone. "Never mind that Lan! Her dad is a pro hero..." himiko said with a rushed and scared tone. "Tracking is disabled, I did it myself" I said, trying to reassure them. "Disabled? Doesn't that require the phone's inner circuts to be removed and tampered with?" Landon spoke up. "Mhm sure does" I said, not really listening to the conversation anymore. Landon picked up on the lack of interest in what was going on, so he left the conversation alone. Soon after the car stopped, but not where  I thought it would.

(The front)

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(The front)

(The front)

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(The back)

When we stopped at this utterly gorgeous house it was quite late, so landon rushed both me and toga inside. I wasn't arguing with him though. It's freezing out there. When we walked in I noticed a few people. One boy had brown hair and wings, he had a few tattoos on his arms and he was holding a drink of some sort as he leant on the walla behind him, talking with the other people there. There was also a man with blue hair and red eyes, he looked older and had a pair of black gloves, that only covered his index, ring, pinky finger and his thumb. His quirk must be touch based then. I also noticed a black haired boy, I say boy he looked alot older than me. He had lots of tattoos on his face and some peircings.
Landon cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the three that were talking.
The brown haired boy spoke. "Welcome home Lan, guese the 'extraction' went well?" Landon nodded, Toga ran over to the blue haired dude and gave him a hug, he didn't seem to like it at first but he soon settled into it. She quickly said her good night's and rushed up the stairs, presumably to her bedroom. Landon told me to follow the face tattoo dude and that he was going to show me my room. I looked at him funny for a moment, before holding up 1 finger, taking out the hidden phone and placing it on the floor, I held my hand over it for a moment and watched as it cracked and bended into a ball of metal, effectively destroying the phone. "I'm done now" I said, standing back up to follow the mam to my room. "C'mon squirt" the man said, leading me up the stairs. He seems nice. "What's your name, I'm Ereña." I asked the man, hoping he would take offence to the question. "Dabi" he answered. "My name is Dabi. I'm 19, the blueberry is Tomura shigiraki, I assume you already know Landon and Toga, wing boy his name is Veirn. There are more but most of them are asleep currently, and you could probably meet them in thw morning." Dabi continued. We stopped infront of a white door with a brass handle. Dabi gestured for me to open the door, so I did. We entered the room, it was pretty basic and bland, grey walls, black ceiling, grey carpet, wardrobe, bed and a door that led to a connecting bathroom. "Here we are squirt, your new room. Try and get some rest okay?" Dabi said. He left shortly after and I shut the door. I don't like wearing pyjamas so I opted to change into a pair of black shorts and a sports bra, before climbing into bed and letting sleep overtake me.

Maybe this isn't so bad.

Thanks for reading chapter one, I'm sorry these may be slightly short and a bit dull but I do still go to school so I must deal with that too, I also have autism and adhd so writing can be a struggle, hope you enjoyed this and look forwards to more chapters!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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