As the tumultuous waters continued their course, carrying (Y/N) further away from Manburg and the clutches of Quackity's pursuit, the group debated her fate. Quackity, choosing to believe in the certainty of her demise, made a grim proclamation.

"She's dead. Drowned, lost in the river. That's three lives gone," he asserted, attempting to regain control of the situation. His words lingered in the air, a declaration that marked the end of their pursuit of (Y/N).


Tubbo wandered through the streets of Manburg, his thoughts consumed by the recent news. Whispers echoed around him as citizens exchanged hushed conversations. The words "Tommy" and "(Y/N)" reached his ears, and a sense of urgency pricked at his conscience.

"Did you hear? Tommy and (Y/N) were spotted in Manburg! They got chased into the forest."

"Chased into the forest? What are they doing here?"

Tubbo's heart raced as the gravity of the situation sunk in. His feet carried him to Schlatt's imposing office, where a guard stood, beckoning him inside.

"Schlatt wants to see you, Tubbo. Move."

Tubbo hesitated for a moment, then nodded, stepping into the office. Schlatt sat behind his desk, a malicious glint in his eyes.

"Tubbo, my trusty Secretary of State. I've got a job for you." Schlatt smirked

Tubbo swallowed hard, sensing trouble in the air. "What is it, sir?"

"Tommy and Wilbur have been causing a ruckus. I want you to find them and bring them back to me. And if they resist, well..." he chuckled darkly

Schlatt grabbed a glass bottle from his desk and hurled it against the wall, the shattering sound punctuating the threat. "Make them understand, Tubbo. Make them understand who's in charge."

Tubbo, unnerved by Schlatt's demeanor, nodded obediently and left the office. As he ventured into the forest, a mixture of determination and unease filled him. The pursuit of his friends had begun, and the shadows of Manburg loomed ominously behind him.

Tubbo wandered aimlessly through the dense forest, the weight of Schlatt's orders pressing heavily on his shoulders. The once vibrant trees now seemed to whisper tales of the chaotic state of Manburg. As he moved deeper into the woods, Tubbo stumbled upon an unexpected sight—a tree, its branches rustling with the sound of someone struggling.

To his surprise, Tommy, disheveled and frazzled, fell from the foliage. Tubbo couldn't hide his shock.

"Tommy! What happened? Why are you in a tree?"

"(Y/N) and I got chased, okay? Schlatt's gone mad, Tubbo. Manburg's a mess." He said hurriedly, "have you seen (y/n) by the way, we got split up a few days ago and I was trying to spot her from the treetops."

Tubbo's eyes widened, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Tommy descended from the tree, and they found a secluded spot to talk. "Schlatt's ruined everything. Crime, homelessness, taxes—all at their worst. And I was there when Schlatt gave the order to hunt  you down,Quackity and the guards he sent, they haven't come back."

"And (Y/N)? What about (Y/N)?" Tommy pried as if his life were on the line and if Techno found out it probably would be.

Tubbo shook his head, a cloud of worry hanging over his features.

"No, I haven't. Quackity's out there looking for her, but they haven't found her yet." Tubbo assured

Tommy's face tensed with concern, his mind racing with the uncertainties of (Y/N)'s fate. In a moment of urgency, he turned to Tubbo.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt