A Knight in shining armor

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Play this song while you read for the maximum experience.

As promised The strawhats all came to see Y/n's program. Zoro was the last to come. You were singing these lyrics as he came~

"Lovе is driving me a bit insane

Have to get this off my chest

I'm telling you today

At least just  let me say 

That when I talk to you oh, Cupid walks right through

And shoots an arrow through my heart

And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it too?

Confess I loved you from the start"

He stared at you with pure admiration. His cheek turned a light shade of pink but he didn't care. You smiled when you noticed Zoro staring at you, blushing. You suddenly turned into a brighter shade of red and turned your face away from him. You performed a few more songs for about 2 hours before stopping the program. Zoro sat throughout the program even though the other crew members left earlier.


Timeskip to after the program

Y/n's pov

Many people complimented my performance after the program. I was overwhelmed by all the compliments and praises. After eating my dinner Sanji specially made for me, I went out for a smoke, wanting to have some peace. I was lost in my thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder.

It was an unfamiliar person. He had Purple shabby hair and wore expensive clothes. Even though I know I shouldn't judge someone based on their looks, you can't help but judge him. I thought he was a brat and something about him just shouted "bad news."

"Hey, girl. You look hot. Wanna have a drink with me?" He asked as if he was demanding me. "no thanks" I replied turning away. "Feisty, I like it. Come on girl, I can pay you whatever you want." He replies and tries to grab my hand. I pulled it away from him, and he grew angrier."I asked you nicely, take the offer while I am still nice. Don't make me angry sweetheart" He said in more angrier tone. "My brother, Sanji, will kill you if he knows about this. Run while you can" I said while struggling to get my hands off his grip. He slapped me and blood came from there. As I was struggling to lose his grip, suddenly a familiar voice spoke, "Hey leave her alone." It was Zoro.


Zoro's pov

I was walking back to my ship when I heard Y/n screaming for help. I was worried and ran in the direction where the sound was coming from. When I reached there, I saw y/n desperately trying to free her hand from a jerk. My blood boiled. "Hey leave her alone" I shouted with rage. The man didn't flinch, he turned his attention to me "No way man, you can have fun with her after I finished with her. I walked forward, ready to cut him. my anger was off-limit now. Then I saw that y/n took the opportunity and burn his hand with the cigarette she was holding. The jerk screamed in pain. 

Now she ran towards me and hid behind me. She whispered, "Thank you." "YOU BITCH COME HERE! AND WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING HER? TRYING TO PLAY HERO?" The jerk came forward raging. I don't know what came over me, I shouted at him, "She is my Girlfriend. So you better back off" Y/n looked surprised, but didn't say anything, instead shouted "HE IS RIGHT YOU PURPLE-HAIRED MUSHROOM. RUN BEFORE HE CUTS YOU INTO PIECES"

We watched as he ran away trembling with fear. After he was out of sight, I heard y/n letting out a big "phew". "Are you ok?" I asked her. She was shaking. "Thank god you came marimo! I thought I wouldn't escape from him." " she said breathing heavily. Her wrist was bruised and her lip broke with blood coming from it. "You are hurt," I said as I noticed the wound.

"Oh! Don't worry about it. (Wiping the blood away, but it doesn't stop.) Can you please accompany me back to the restaurant? I don't want to run to him again." She pleaded. "Of course" I replied back. "Should I carry you?" I  offered. "What! no, I am not that hurt." She said, but as she stood up, she immediately lost her balance. I caught her before she could fall down. 

"I am not that hurt. My ass" I mocked her as I put her hand on my shoulder supporting her to walk. She just chuckled. "Well, at least it's not as bad as the last time" she reckoned. She explained to me," Last time, a bigger guy came and forcibly took me away. Sanji, thankfully saved me before he could do something more to me." "He gave me this scar," She said as she pointed a big scar on her forehead. 

I felt rage boiling inside me. Why can't men treat women with respect and not like an object? She noticed my face and changed the topic, " When did we start dating?" She asked me teasingly. "What?" " I mean you said you were my boyfriend earlier" "It was to save you" She chuckled even harder as I turned into a bright tomato.

As we reached the restaurant, the blond guy came running to us. "What happened y/n?" His tone was filled with worry. "YOU. DID YOU DO ANYTHING TO MY PRECIOUS SISTER?" he said, grabbing my collar. "Relax Sanji! He helped me. Without him, I doubt I would even be alive now." She said defending me. He immediately let go of my collar and we together helped y/n to sit in a place.

Sanji immediately bandaged her wounds and put ice on the bruise as she explained the whole thing to him. "Bastard. I will kill him next time" He said in an angry tone. I was deeply surprised to see someone care for his sister this much, even though she is not his biological sister. "Thank you" He mumbled. "Oh anytime" I replied back

"Well Sanji, pour him a sake, as a gratitude," Y/n said to Sanji. Sure thing! He said as he went to the kitchen to grab a sake and 3 glasses. We spent that night in the restaurant, talking, laughing, and drinking. The day was sure eventful...

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