As the madness grow...

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Two months have gone by,the oiled jerks haven't shown up to school scenes that day,some say they trance ferried schools,but I knew they were just hiding till the cops my mother called died off.Its because of this I was more and more insane as the thought of killing them.This got in the way of school and my grades dropped poorly.My sister had it worst,she wasn't even going to school!She was to afraid to bump into them even though I told her they weren't there anymore,but I could blame her.I didn't want to go to school ether,but I went because I need to stay focused on something else,even if it only worked for a little while.My mother was the same,only it made her work even harder.Never-the-less my family was falling apart,and it got even worse when my friends had enough.

One day while play some C.O.D(Call Of Duty)I was quite and I barely playing at all,and when I did,I wasn't so excised when I would win."Okay what's your damaged dude,you just one a game C.O.D and your just sitting there!Plus,you've been on an a killing spree the moment we stared playing!"Not even looking up I just shrugged."guess I'm not feeling it today."my friends Louis,Dan,Kinney,and Max were stunned to hear I wasn't up for video games."Look,I get your still mad at the egging,hurting your family,and making your life a living nightmare,but you got to let it-."Before he could finish,I stud up and grabbed him by the collar and yelled on his face."Don't you dare till me to get over something like this!They hurt my sister,put my mom in debt,and beaten me to the point were I was expecting it!"My friends all pulling me back on to the couch and talked for what seemed like hours."Look"Dan said."We all want to help you with this stuff but your being difficult!We bring all the games we have to cheer you up,we buy you lunch,and we do most of all your at school and home whenever we come to see you!Wow,Dans just going in on this one,I haven't seen this mad before,talk about caring friend."This is just tip of the iceberg,theres a whole lot of stuff that we've been doing,but your just the same as always,lifeless,boring,and a completely emo!So for the love of GOD,please just tell us what you WANT!!!"My anger shut down completely after herring what I've been ignoring from my friends,so I clam down and told them what I wanted.

"Alright,this is what I want."I got up and heeded to the center of the room,turning to them with a blank face."I...want to be."I looked down at the floor and made a fist.As my grip got tighter,a smile creeped on my face,causing my friends to all stand up with confused faces all in my duration."I want to be the one how kills them all,but not just kill them like in one of those old movies were the killer uses a knife,no i want a gun!!!"I don't know what got over me,I was a monster and...I think it...a lot!My eyes wide opened my smil looked like it was carved in.I looked like some weirdo from an animi...but a lot more scary."OK,well we can't do that but-"Kenny tried to explain but I cut him off."NO,I have to kill them if I'm gonna get thorough this!""Ok,even if we could kill them,and get away with,how are we going to get the info on them."Louis added."the cops won't say anything about the case.""Oh don't worry about that,I know just how to to get what we need!"I said still looking like a blood-thirsty monster.My friends looked at me a little scared,but laughed it off."we'll start tomorrow at school on how much information we can get on finding those jerks,but for now,let relax and have a good time."We all laughed and played out game"I BACK BABY!!!" I yelled through the house while dancing after shooting Kin in the head.I can't wait for tomorrow,cause something tills me this gonna be fun! be continued

{WAS UP aurthor speaking again,sorry I took so long to make the next chapter,I just been really fact,of wasn't for my family yelling at me for making it,i would of update next month,and the chapter would better,bit I'm in a hurry to get this book done with.Anyway hope you enjoyed later!}

~Monster don't live under your bed
They live inside your head
Sweet nightmare X)~

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