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there's a point in life where you start to miss the things you were or weren't given in childhood, it hurts when you realize you can't get them back, so even though I'll never quite experience the love I desire I still melt when I'm held gently, no matter how, may it be a hand or a face , once I was playing with a young child, barely even a toddler, I felt her hold my fingers with such gentle touch and it made my day. I melt when someone tells me that it's okay, that I'll survive it, even though I already know I'm okay it's that gentle touch that makes me understand it, I feel as if people are too focused on the hurt and the more sexual qualities of life that one experiences and not the parts where they cuddle up with someone they trust and watch a movie, or when they're sitting and eating food on a peaceful day, or when they're in the shower singing some old song for the hundredth time that they just can't get enough of. I think people should focus on the kind, the gentle, let yourself love like younger you wanted to love, go on dates without the intention of getting into their pants, have fun without needing to drink or smoke or have sex, do things that make you happy. We all need to enjoy the mild while we have it , enjoy things you can do before you can't do them anymore, breathe the air even if it isn't as fresh as it was when you were a kid, pick dandelions and give them to someone even though they're considered weeds, draw with chalk on a sidewalk and watch the ants, try to see if you can name birds you see perching out the window, do word games with someone or play I spy, play at the park even though you're a bit too old for it. happiness has no age limit you just have to look for it, even if that means crouching in a place with less grass and drawing in the dirt with a stick or finding worms in the mud, you can always clean it off later there's no reason to keep yourself so pristine, you can love you without having to be what others want, you are allowed to be unapologetically you. you are a work of art and just like when I look at the stars on a clear night or when I wake up early enough to see the sunrise just at golden hour or when I feel a child's touch trusting me to guide them just like all that when I see people like you being happy and living unapologetically and with kindness, I melt.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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