Chapter 57: Padmavati's Last Miscarriage brings Supriya back!!

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Story Unfolds :

From the point of view of Karna:

3 yrs had passed out of blue. He did not meet her. His Devi. He was eager to meet her. To bring her back. To get any news of her. But she did not write any letter to him. She remained once more silent. This time he was angry on her!! What was his fault?!! He was not a bit interested in her!! He was so engrossed in his life!! With his wife Padma!! Son Vrish!!! His family!! She came and silently won his heart!! Now he could not believe how he was aloof of her at first!! He could not think of a single day without her!! And what she was doing!! Ignoring him!! Once again Deliberately!!

He had twisted his face in rage. While watching the Sun set. He was away of his home. His state. For three long years. He was wining the southern part of India. For the sake of his best friend or Param Mitra Duryodhan. Yet he felt restless inside. He was missing her so much!!! Her divine smile!! Her gentle touch!! Her cute dimple!! Her big black eyes!! Her pressing the lips together to suppress a smile!! Her looking at him from far!! Her turning the pretty head bashfully to avoid eye contact with him!! Her not asking anything for herself!! Her running behind his chariot!! He was so much in love with her!! Yet he could not believe that she was away from him!! How was she now?!! What was she doing?!! Was she alright?!! Was she taking food and resting well?!! His life had been centering Her thoughts!!! But she was not thinking of him a bit!!! Then all of a sudden he tilted his head bashfully to the left. It was his signature style to hide his frustration or nervousness!! "Why you fool?!! Why you are just now behaving like a teenager in the love?!! For the first time?!!" His brain was scolding his heart. But that darn fool heart could not stop bearing fast just thinking of his Devi!!! His tears never stopped whenever he recalled her. In his mind.

Picture of Supriya in Karna's heart

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Picture of Supriya in Karna's heart

He made a frustrated face. On himself. He wanted to control the fluttering of his heart. But it was not listening to him!! It always thought about Supriya all day. At awakening. In dreams. In battlefield too. God!! What to do?!!

He had to make an effort to convince Padma. Not to leave him. Alone. She understood yet something was truly amiss. In between them. In heart that selfless woman was blaming herself to separate them!!!

He made another face. Even Padma was so convinced about her Supriya's innocence!!! She had dotted upon her baby sister Supriya very much!!! In so much extent that she went against her husband Karna!!! She knew about the whereabouts of Supriya yet she was hiding it from him!!! He could sense that too. But he was never vocal!! He could confront her!! But he did not want to do that!! If his Devi did not want to meet him then be it!! In this way!! Would she care if something bad happened to him?!! Would she cry?!! Would she ran to him?!! Would she embrace him?!! For the last time!! God knew that!! Alas!! He did not have the knowledge that at the war of Mahabharata it was his Devi who ran to him!!! It was she whose breathing had stopped by seeing his dead body!! It was she who ignored every single obstacle to reach to him!! It was she who fainted at his feet!! It was she who got silent by seeing him lying on the pool of blood!!! It was she who went Sati on his pyre!!! Along with him!! Not his Sakhi Padma!!! Not his beloved Uruvi!!! Supriya was the most neglected Karna Sangini yet she had done what others could not be able to do!!! She went with him!!!

Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Devi (Karna Series 3) Where stories live. Discover now