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Walking into the paddock hand in hand a smile on both their faces, fans happy to see them the driver more than the girl of course. Lando had qualified third and was hoping for another podium to add to his shelf.

It was chaotic in the paddock as it usually was on race day but Lando and Matilda didn't hear the chaos as they walked together to McLaren. In their only little love struck world everybody could see it and thought it was adorable of course no one knew other than the small group that Matilda was pregnant.

Actually Lando and the girl had planned on telling Jon landos personal trainer today as he and Lando are usually working together a lot so it wouldn't be long until he found out anyway. Letting Tilly walk into his room first grabbing Jon to tell him the news til sits down on the couch happily.

"What do you children want?" Jon asks as soon as he enters the room behind Lando as Lando sits in the chair across from me.

"That's ironic" the girl laughs as she grabs one of landos sweatshirt that he brought throwing it over her legs as chills ran down them

"Why?" He asks sitting down next to the girl leaning back into the sofa Lando laughs awkwardly.

"Are you pregnant?" Jon ask quietly looking between the two Lando and Tilly look at eachother with widen eyes as they weren't expecting him to guess

"Lando I swear you can barely take care of yourself" Jon basically scolded the driver as Tilly laughs although many people thought that and he kinda was but he was still responsible enough to care for a child.

"Shh" Lando shush as Jon's voice gets louder he immediately quiets down mumbling an apology.

"Wait you're serious" he stops mid sentence before standing up and pacing the room mumbling under his breath.

"No wonder why you've been so happy lately" Jon smiles pointing to Lando who has a smile on his face.

"Didn't either one of you learn sex ed?" He asks, eyes flickering between the girl and boy. Matilda nods her head chuckle as Lando shrugs in response.

Some mumbles from the trainer got interrupted as time was winding down and Lando had a couple meetings and media things to do before the race which was in two in half hour. Matilda stayed in the McLaren hospitality though avoiding any fans right now.

Matilda was a homebody through and through and she was not the best in social situations. She was quite shy and mostly stayed too herself not saying that she couldn't be extroverted. She definitely was with her friends who she was comfortable with and Lando of course. And that's why the last two weekends she had only been seen with Lando; she was too anxious to go off by herself yet.

Time seemed to go by fast as Lando walked to the paddock in his gear ready to go, hopeful for another podium finish Matilda watched the race in the McLaren of course standing next to Adam landos dad which she had met a week ago in Singapore, a surprise to both her and Lando with that surprise they decided to just FaceTime his mom with Adam in company telling them the news in which we're both ecstatic.

A lot of fans surprised to see Matilda standing next to landos dad in the garage dating a conversation which ends in laughs between the both of them Lando smiling as he got a peek of them before taking off for the grid.

Lando takes off pretty well although nearly colliding with Verstappen but he moves away just in time, both McLarens sitting in the top three Lando in second and Oscar in third. Lap one was hectic as a safety car was out although the mess was cleaned up fast from contact between Alex Albon and Lewis Hamilton.

Lap 12 contact happens between Magnussen and Perez, Magnussen spinning on the track which causes Perez to have to retire the car. Lap 16 a battle between both Mercedes which caused both cars to end up off the road.

Lap 19 after both McLarens had boxed they sat in third and fourth Matilda watched closely from the garage as her boyfriend raced around the track with a smile on her face.

Lap 38 Lando passes Russel easily not long after Oscar passes Russel as well the mechanics and engineers erupting in cheers as both of their drivers sit in podium position Lando in second and Oscar in third. Matilda cheers along with the garage and Adam a camera on her as she does.

Lap 53 Verstappen crosses the finish line first Red Bull world champions for the sixth time as they take the constructors title. Lando and Oscar crossed next both on the podium, the papaya team celebrating in the garage hugging each other. Matilda and Adam hugging each other and the cameras don't miss that interaction of course.

Walking to the podium celebration next to Adam a smile on the girls face wearing it proudly of course making it just in time as Lando jumps out of the car both Adam and Matilda getting pushed to the front by the papaya team Lando immediately goes to his girlfriend and dad.

Hugging Matilda tightly for a couple seconds before moving to his dad then the rest of the team quickly doing his interview before going to the cool down room. Waiting for the celebration ceremony although he was happy to be on the podium again all he wanted to do was hug Matilda even longer.

A champagne shower later or two maybe three Lando lost count as did Matilda smiling as she watched him celebrate with his team from the side. Lando smiles at the girl as he walks up to her placing a quick kiss on her lips. It was a long celebration so as soon as he saw the opportunity Lando quickly left with Tilly by his side and his trophy in his hand ready to change out of race suit.

Lando laughs as Tilly flops on the couch, her feet hurting from standing nearly all day. He changes quickly before flopping down next to her his arm wraps around her shoulders pulling her close his heart racing as he still got nervous around her just as she did with him.

"Will you come to Qatar?" He asked out of the blue the girl looked up at him. It wasn't the plan for Matilda to go to Qatar; she would return to London later this week without Lando.

"Please then we could spend the week together" he suggested, hopeful that she would agree the girl was a little hesitant to answer not because she didn't want to go with him but she did have her own responsibilities as well although she was able to work from home. She was also getting more nervous the further along she got in her pregnancy scared people were gonna find out.

"I guess so" she answers, pushing away those negative thoughts. If that happened they would deal with it then but she wasn't gonna let it ruin her day.

Lando smiles, pulling her closer she laughs as he squeezes her tightly, his other hand landing at her waist. Her legs over his lap as her arms go around his shoulders, a smile on both of their faces. Their lips connected, keeping it short and sweet Matilda running her hand through his messy curls.

It wasn't long after that they were leaving the paddock Lando opened the car door for Matilda letting her slide in before going to the driver side getting in the car himself. Driving back to the hotel Matilda answering an email that she had missed during the day and also sent a text to Ollie and Oakley about the new plans.

Two weeks of spending time together got turned into nearly a month as Matilda couldn't say no to Lando.

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Another podium for Lando!
So here's another chapter

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