Beginning of Alyha

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Some people believed she was a witch, others the opposite. I always wonder if she was or not? My parents hated her, they even said bad things about her. They also always repeated the name," Alyha." My question was why did everyone hate her? The only thing that she has done was helping people, that's all. But the story doesn't start with me, it starts with a little girl named, "Alyha".
    Once upon a time, there was a little 7 year old girl named "Alyha." She lived in a town not far away from the kingdom named, "Liefdevol." In Dutch, in English it would be Loving.
    Alyha loved to play in the forest while her parents were working. She loved playing with the animals, since she couldn't make friends from how weird she looked.
    She had Albinism(leads to someone having very light skin, hair, and eyes). Also she had beautiful purple eyes that looked like crystals. She had curly hair that was 30 inches long.
When kids looked at her, they called her names like witch, monster, demon, and etc. While others were scared and ran away from her.
She didn't like other kids her age, being afraid of her. She sometimes felt sorry, and apologized. Sometimes she just left the place and came back 2 to 3 days later. She knew kids hated her because of how she looks. But she always wondered if she really was a monster. Or a normal human being, like everyone else. But she stayed cool with it. No matter what kids and people called her, she didn't care.
She tried to live a happy life as normal as possible. Even with hard challenges going through her life. Until she turned 15 years old.

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