Stronger then coke

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Hey, sorry I disappeared for a month!
Hope everyone enjoys this chapter
MEANTION'S OFF: rape, drugs, alcohol abuse and assault!
Barry woke up first, stumbling out of bed before making his way to the kitchen before grabbing some ingredients for breakfast. He regularly cooked, no one really thought he could not even Rafe, although Barry himself wasn't sure why he never mention it to him.

When Rafe finally made a appearance he was fairly surprised to see the shorter dealer cooking food, it was shocking to Rafe, he never considered the tough-army man to be able to cook.
"G-morning Rafey, how'd ya sleep," he stated in a teasing manner turning his head slightly, getting a groan as a response.
"Can I have some?" Rafe said glancing over the other's shoulder overstepping personal space, as if Rafe cared for that.
"Ye ion know if you would like it though, it's spicy," before flipping the eggs that are covered in chilli and other mixes of spices Rafe made his way onto the couch.
"I can handle some spice." Rafe muttered sounding slightly offended, Barry laughed at his pettiness.
"Sure baby boy, sure," he replied trying to get under Rafe's skin slightly,
"I didn't even know you could cook-"
"You never asked," cutting him off calmly, before placing the eggs on avocado toast and flopping onto the couch next to Rafe. Rafe reached over to the brunette taking one slice of breed indulging in a large bite,
"Oh shit," he said in a panic placing (throwing) the breed back down running to the tap drinking down as much water down as possible, while Barry's laugh echoed through the small trailer.

Rafe's eyes was filled with water as he looked down into the sink feeling slightly sick from the spice, Barry stood placing a hand on his back rubbing it.
"Dramatic much ion think it's that hot," Barry felt his hand get slapped away, "okay." He finished, rolling his eyes walking back to his food.
Rafe sat next to Barry looking straight forward in a stubborn manner.
"You wanna talk about last night hm?" Barry whispered after finishing the mouthful, he was quiet in an attempt to not make Rafe get worked up.

"I got drugged," Rafe said casually but quickly, Barry nodded allowing Rafe to continue if needed.
"He- they." He cut himself off everything was happening so quickly too quick, fighting tears Barry placed a hand on the back of his neck trying to calm him. Barry was concerned what 'they' did, Rafe can usually take care off himself but not when he has been on 'stuff' though.
"I gave head." Rafe said, immediately wanting to throw up at the thought, tears began to fall he couldn't stop himself. The heavy breathing, black dots in his eyes.

He felt rough hands grab him, getting pulled onto the dealer's lap, his dealer, Barry rubbed his back calming him. He was good like that. Rafe felt so week he hated it, he slumped forwards either way resting his head on Barry's shoulder looking defeated. Tears running free.

His breathing began to steady as Barry whispered in his ear, 'your okay baby boy' ,' your safe' 'calm down Rafey' Rafe moved away hiding his face wiping his eyes. He got up and walking shakily towards Barry's sink throwing up. Barry sighed.
"Do you want to go for a drive?" He said quietly walking over to the boy being sick, placing a hand on his shoulder, grabbing tissue whipping the sweat from his head and cleaning his mouth once he finished.

"Ye," he paused "Ye let's go."

Ahh this was a interesting chapter to write! Where will they go though?
Hope everyone enjoyed, feel free to leave suggestions and your opinions!

Words: 628

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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