Chapter 30- Ending 1

Start from the beginning

" won't die" he said sternly "I will assure you of that, I'm not losing you again, I've seen a world without you and I do not want to live in it"

"You might have to" Gabrielle said quietly, her fingers touching underneath her nose and smudging the small amount of blood from it

"Why is this happening?" Elijah asked worriedly, wiping her blood off with the sleeve of his blouse

"I must be linked to Jenna as well as the witches, Niklaus must have already starting to collect her blood" Gabrielle informed

"That means if he kills her, he kills you?" Elijah asked

"No, she was much smarter, it means that if Klaus kills her, which is almost near impossible saying that she's linked with us, I mean, temporarily kills her, then I my link to them will become weaker, which is good, but I'll be reversed, which means I die..." She explained, it was much too complicated for Elijah to understand

"What are you saying?" He asked

"I'm saying, go and find Niklaus now and tell him not to do anything stupid, that's if you want me to live" she said sternly

Elijah nodded and sped out of the door as quick as he could.

Meanwhile, on the battle field. Niklaus had caught up with Jenna and collected as much blood as he could.

"Niklaus" Elijah shouted when Jenna's half conscious body lay on the floor "don't hurt her, not just yet"

"Why?" Klaus shouted over the roars of the battle below them

"The spell unweaves every time you hurt her, you're only killing Gabrielle" Elijah outstretched his arm to make any moves to protect the witch on the floor

"So you're saying its a very badly made spell" Klaus huffed.

Elijah threw him some shackles, a dark object used to inhibit witches from practising magic, into Niklaus' hands.

"Her blood?" Elijah asked, motioning for Niklaus to give him what he had collected.

Klaus flicked a napkin out of his pocket that had now been dyed red. "Here"

"Take her with us" Elijah demanded "we can't let her out of our sight"

Klaus lifted the witch in pain up by her shackles and nodded to Elijah "lets go"


"Do you have it?" Gabrielle stood up when Elijah and Niklaus entered the door of the attic.

"Indeed" Elijah placed the napkin gently into Gabrielle's hands and she got to work immediately. The candles around the room fired up as Gabrielle began to chant.

"Foolishness" Jenna spat, gaining the attention of Elijah and Klaus. The shackles immediately flicked off and Jenna stood up.

She cupped her hands to her mouth and blew harshly. Nobody knew what this did until Gabrielle was thrown across the room.

"This spell can't be broken" she laughed hysterically "you're only dragging her death out longer than it needs to be"

Gabrielle scrambled up. But she wasn't herself. She didn't speak, only snarls escaped her once red lips. Now they were dry and chapped.

"Gabrielle" Elijah breathed as if to snap her out of it

"It's too late" Jenna informed him "you've done your damage now and you've lost her"

Gabrielle launched herself at Jenna to begin with, banging her head against the wall and knocking her, not dead, but unconscious.

She snapped her head around, her eyes were fully red and her teeth had all sharpened into many fangs.

"Stop it" Elijah shouted as her eyes lay on his. He could not see his beloved Gabrielle anymore, her childlike eyes had turned demonic. Was it true that Jenna had made her like this permanently?

Gabrielle didn't listen. She lunged at Elijah, pinning him to the wall and without knowing it, she was breaking his heart.

"Gabrielle" Klaus attached himself to her back, trying to pull her away, but she was too strong for either brother.

Gabrielle buried her teeth into Elijah's neck and then he realised there was only one way to end this. He had to do it.

Elijah's shaky hands reached into his inner pocket where the White oak stake lay peacefully. He grasped it and pulled it out without Gabrielle even knowing.

This was for the good of the city, there were witches out there killing innocent people and vampires of his own making. Jenna would perish along with them and Gabrielle.

"I'm sorry" his voice cracked with sorrow and pain as the point of the stake pierced her heart.

"Elijah?" Her eyebrows raised as she looked hurt. He couldn't see her old glint but she sounded like Gabrielle.

Elijah fell next to her "Gabrielle?" He was still holding the stake in her chest but not too deep to kill her yet. "Are you back?"

"Burn" she roared, sharpening her fangs and trying to lunge for his neck once more until Elijah pressed the stake in deeper and ultimately killing Gabrielle.

Elijah sat with his head resting on her chest, silently crying so Niklaus wouldn't hear him.

Gabrielle died three years ago at the hands of a witch. This woman lying on the floor wasn't his love, she was just a mere she'll filled with a demon that was created to hurt him.

The witches outside had finally dropped dead and New Orleans was finally at peace once more.

"If there was a way" Elijah began, still looking at the body on the floor "Jenna made it clear that we would never find it"

"Elijah, it was her plan all along, to torture us and to torture Gabrielle's spirit" Klaus tried to explain but he didn't know what to say

"The best thing is to bury the body and try to forget these past few days, Gabrielle was never here" Elijah said, lifting up her lifeless frame and carrying her out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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