After I'm checked in, a bellhop takes my luggage while the girls give me a brief tour of the hotel. When we make it to our floor, they explain who's supposed to be in what rooms on our floor before I head to my room, three doors down from theirs. I somehow managed to be the only one slightly separated from the rest of the group. Not that I'm complaining. A little bit of space is sometimes welcome when we all get together for extended periods. It's hard to have so many bold and not-so-bold personalities in one group. It's also the reason I chose to get my own room and now with the divorce also on my plate, I'm even more grateful for the privacy.

Sighing, I chuck off my shoes and plug in my phone before connecting my iPad to my WiFi. Having the BookSocial App still open from the prior evening, A chat screen pops up almost immediately.

Chat From JB to Louboutins&Lattes:

JulienBeauchamp: Hi Elora, Just checking in to make sure you're alright. I heard you were on the plane that encountered bad turbulence today.

Louboutins&Lattes: Hi JB, yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking. I hope everyone wasn't bombarding you with messages.

JulienBeauchamp: It's fine. Everyone was just worried about you. Were you injured?

Louboutins&Lattes: I'm a little banged up - I got tossed about a little bit, but I'll be okay.

JulienBeauchamp: I'm sorry to hear that. Are you safely at your hotel now?

Louboutins&Lattes: Yes. Just getting settled in.

JulienBeauchamp: Good, well, I'll leave you be. Enjoy your evening.

Louboutins&Lattes: Thanks again, JB. You too.

I sign out of the app to avoid more discussions. If I stay logged in, I'll never get out of my room tonight. Scanning my work emails and socials, I confirm all of my scheduled posts have gone out and check my traffic metrics. They've gone up significantly in the last two weeks, which has boosted my visibility and clientele. That should grow even more once the partnership with CozyHomes is announced.

My phone pinging brings me back to reality. Absentmindedly grabbing it, I swipe to find a new text from Logan. It's a photo of the kids and their grandma sitting on Emily's bed reading a book. I smile sadly, fighting the overwhelming wave of emotion rolling through me. I hadn't admitted how scared I'd been when I'd spoken to him on the plane, but I'm positive he sensed it. He's always known how to gauge my feelings. Which is part of what made today even harder.

Thank you.

I send the short text as a single tear rolls down my cheek and close my eyes practicing my breathing. This day has been filled with so much emotion, so many events and it's not even over yet. I sigh and open my eyes. Time to finish unpacking.


I've just finished showering when the girls knock on my door, necessities in hand to make French seventy-fives while I get changed. I put on a black short-sleeved shift dress and pull out my black velvet strappy heels while they chat away in the background. The noise is a welcome distraction.

As I apply my makeup though, they make their way into the bathroom. Milly sits on the closed toilet seat while Gale leans on the door frame and each wears a curious and expectant look on their faces. I know they want to know the details about this morning and after a deep breath in, I oblige.

I tell them how things went with my MIL, surprisingly easy. I tell them how things went with goodbyes with the kids, harder for me than them with the distraction of grandmotherly gifts. I tell them how things went with the lawyers, very formal, but exactly as Logan had promised - easy. Then I tell them about the drop-off.

"You're kidding me right?" Milly starts halfway through my story. "He dropped you off at the airport?"

"I know," I sigh, finishing up my mascara and dropping the wand in my makeup bag. "It was... weird."

The band on my right hand catches the light and I finger it with my thumb. "I forgot to take off my rings when I left the house."

I purse my lips, fighting the tears I didn't realize I still had left. "I took them off and gave them to him before getting out of the car."

"Fuck." Gale whispers. "Talk about a moment of finality."

"With the papers signed, it just felt wrong to still wear them." I sigh and pick up my blush and wand, I finish off my makeup and add a little gloss to my lips while the girls sit quietly.

"How did he handle the situation?" Milly finally asks.

"I think we both handled it the best we could and like we did most of this morning, in a state of shock." I finally turn and lean against the counter, picking up my drink and taking a big gulp.

"You seem extraordinarily calm," Gale notes.

I laugh, "I was a blubbering mess half the day, then I got tossed around a tin can and now I'm just feeling rather grateful to be alive. I think I cried out all the tears I have left right now and a little perspective has me just wanting to not dwell on it anymore today. I don't know how long this feeling is going to last, so I think we should just go with it."

I push off the counter and down my whole cocktail before checking my watch. "So what do you ladies say? Should we see if Rachel and Kelly are checked in?"

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