CozyCuppa: Is there something going on with Elora?

JessesGirl: They think her flight might be the one that had turbulence.

CozyCuppa: No, I mean other than that?

JessesGirl: Oh, I don't know, but I've noticed she hasn't been as active as normal the last few months.

CozyCuppa: Hm, I've noticed that too. She's barely posted on her RL social media too.

JessesGirl: What made you think something else is going on?

CozyCuppa: Something Milly said in Chat. Check it out when you get a chance.

JessesGirl: Just did, but it's deleted?

CozyCuppa: Just a second, I'll send you a photo.

*Sends screenshot*

JessesGirl: Hm, interesting. I guess I'll know more when we get there tonight. If we get there tonight.

CozyCuppa: Can't wait to hear about it! See you tomorrow! :)

JessesGirl: Later!


"No Mom, I'm fine. I promise. No, you do not need to call the FBI to come out here to investigate. It was turbulence, there is no conspiracy, the weather cannot take a political stance." A young woman across from me sighs in exasperation as we wait for the bus doors to close. She'd been trying to talk her mother off a cliff for five minutes. Meanwhile, We've all stared at her in varying degrees of disbelief as the conversation volleyed from UFOs to an international relations nightmare to political treason.

My phone vibrates, drawing my attention to my tote. It's become a little jumping bean in my bag since I turned off airplane mode. I turn it towards me so the screen lights up and see a message from Logan.

Swiping to open the message, I find a video from the kids. I watch their smiling faces talk to the camera once before connecting my earbuds and replaying the message so I can hear their words. "We love you Mommy and we are glad you are okay. We hope you have fun on your trip. We miss you. Byyyyyee."

I swallow back the ache in my chest and smile as my phone buzzes again.

I'm glad you're okay. We love you.

My eyebrows furrow at Logans' text.

"Mom, you can't be serious." The woman whines. "No, there was no flash of light."

I toss my phone back into my bag and sag against the bus wall.

Landing had been a nightmare. The pilot had radioed ahead requesting several ambulances due to the range of injuries on the plane. Which had a cascading effect when the press caught wind of what had happened. When we'd touched down, the onslaught of pings and rings was chaotic and manic as everyone switched their devices off airplane mode. Then the doors were opened and there was a whirlwind of activity as people in official clothing of all sorts came and went. We'd had to wait an hour just for them to get injured off the plane and into waiting ambulances, during which time the entire plane seemed to simultaneously reach out to loved ones to let them know they were okay.

I had quietly called my parents and Logan to let them know I was safe, right before a first responder approached with a flight attendant and I was pulled off the plane and checked. Thankfully the EMT agreed I didn't need to go to the hospital and I was allowed to wait with other emerging passengers for a bus to pick us up and take us to the terminal.

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