
Oyn enter in funeral hall but  she is crying messed because her elder sister die....

Yn- please come back... Lara..i missed you.. please don't leave me..

She said while sobbing loudly....her parents are also crying.... suddenly someone enter in hall with teary eyes...

He kneeled down near coffin box and start crying

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He kneeled down near coffin box and start crying....

Jhope- lara.....

Well.. jhope is lara boyfriend and few days ago they decided to get married but now this happened....lara committed suicide....reason no one knows..... everyone are sad because of death...


It's been one week but yn become like statue..she is not talking to anyone....she is sitting in dance class quietly....

Jhope- yn...

Yn saw jhope and start crying and he hugged her...

Yn- lara..my sister....

Jhope- shh.... She is gone but life not stop here... please stay strong..you have to take care of your family too...lara will not like if she saw you like this..... I'm here for you.


Yd parked the car and start walking towards his apartment building but suddenly he flinched when dead body fell in front of him.... someone fell from building...his eyes widen when he saw it's his wife....she committed suicide because she is missing Lara...

Again yn is in funeral hall....now she is completely broken...she lost two important person.... jhope also present there..he is looking at yn....he is feeling pity on her.....


Jhope is walking towards his house then his eyes fell on figure which is standing on bridge and that person jumped from there..his eyes widen..he run there and jumped too and hold that person and took out of water.. jhope saw face and it's yn....he took her hospital..

In hospital..

Dr- she is mentally weak..as you said she lost her sister and mother recently so that effect her mind....she need someone besides her who will help her... please take care of her.

Jhope nodded and looked at yn...

Jhope- why you did that?

Yn- my dad kicked me out of house... because he thought I'm behind my mom and lara death.... because i didn't took care of them...

She started crying...

Yn- I'm alone...no one loves me.

Jhope hugged her..

Jhope- no you are not alone.. I'm here for you...and i will always....i promise you.

Since then jhope started taking care of her and he took her to his house so now yn lives with him....

 BTS Yandere oneshots || OT7 FF🔞✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang