"It was intentional" gojo spoke and raven closed her eyes. Gojo having explained it all to her last night. 

Ijichi looked shocked, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"There was a special-grade. Sending first-years to rescue five who may or may not be alive should be out of the question." gojo speaks up.  "Besides, with Yuji...we were the ones who forced the issue and got his execution indefinitely suspended." gojo motioned to raven. 

"Some higher-ups who didn't like that took advantage of our absence, and the special-grade to tactfully dispose of him." He said, looking down at his feet while the other man paled, having only realized that now.

"If the other two had also died, it'd be more harassment for us and two birds with one stone for them." 

"No, but...No one expected it to become a special-grade by the time the dispatch was issued." Ijichi tried to reason.

"Searching for someone to blame is just a pain." raven said, clenching her fists so tightly in anger it drew blood from her palms, "Maybe I should just...kill all of the higher-ups." ravens eyes glossed over with tears of rage and gojo places a hand on her own to calm her down, even though he was having the same thoughts. 

The door flew open on that moment as Shoko stepped in. 

"Breath raven, i dont want to have to clean up you're messes again" Shoko told her friend as she came to a stop in front of itadori. raven hummed and watched as she walked. 

Ijichi bowing at her in respect. "It's good to see you, leiri-san!"

"Looks to me..." The woman turned to Gojo and raven, playing with a strand of her hair, "like you've taken quite a liking to him."

"he's a good kid" raven hums, gojo nods his head. "reminds me of us" she adds, shoko frowns for a second. 

"Don't torment lichi too much." Shoko berated the pair playfully, changing the subject, "He's got it rough, stuck between us and the higher-ups."

"I don't care about a man's hardships." gojo huffs. 

"That so?" shoko rolled her eyes, turning to take off the cover from Yuji's body. "So this is...Sukuna's vessel, huh?"

raven stared at the pale face of itadori, even his hair looking dull, she stood up and walked to shoko. 

"I can take him apart as I please, right?" she asks, looking at raven who stares at the boy, slowly nodding her head. 


Somewhere in the school, Yuji's two classmates were sitting on a few stair, both of them silent and slumped, 

"Live a long life?" Nobara asked bitterly, "Doesn't mean much when you go and die yourself."

"Is this your first time having a partner die?" The girl asked Megumi, who closed his eyes with a small sigh, "First time for one my age."

"You seem to be taking it well, considering" Nobara said. 

"Same to you." he dryly responds. 

"Of course. I only knew him for about two weeks. I'm not some simple woman who breaks down bawling when a guy I barely know dies." She said, sighing quietly  making Megumi glance at her for a second, seeing how despite what she just said, her lips were wobbling as she tried to hold in her tears. 

"what about the teachers, they seemed really upset, i passed raven and gojo, raven looked ill and gojo was silent for once" Nobara sighed, remerging this morning when her teachers walked past, seeing ravens dark eye bags and colourless eyes and gojo, he had no smile on his face, at all. 

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