Chapter 2:

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Amanda's POV:

My birthday was coming up soon, which also meant Leo's too. I was out in our favorite ally(the one with all the magic and the watch store) getting him a present. As I crossed near Angelina's store, I heard voices. Just thinking about Angelina made my stomach hurt, and tears came to my eyes knowing that all that was left of her now was memories, and this store. She had definetly commited to this town, and dedicate her life to protecting Willow Falls. Now it was up to Grace. Not that I doubted her anyway. Grace was a lot braver than me in so many ways!

Angelina's Collectibles was very important to all of team Grace. This included Me, Amanda, Bailey, Leo, Connor, David, Tara, Rory, Ray(because he drived us around to places that we needed to go to, and things we couldn't do without grown ups), and I guess Owen, even though he didn't attend any of the meetings.

I felt my eye brows raise. Why would... No, how could someone get inside the store? I peaked through the door.

There were three people inside. One that looked about my age, with flawless skin, amazing curls, and peircing blue eyes. I envied her. There was another person in the store who looked like the pretty girls' mother, and someone who looked very familiar. This lady had a duck-shaped birthmark. I took out my key(we each had one giving us access to the store) and then unlocked the door. Wait, why was it even locked if there were people in it? Talk about weird. Everyone turns to look at me.

Now I finally recognize the familiar face. "A-Angelina?!" I stutter. "B-But how? It c-can't be! She's... I-I mean your d-dead!" The lady just laughs. "Oh, dear. You've got it all wrong! I'm her sister. What, did Angie never tell you about Amy?" "Amy?" I repeat. Amy nods. "Well, my actual name is Amara but that's what Angie and I would call ourselves." Amy looks at me. She looks as old as Angelina would be. Who knows, maybe even older.

The girl about my age says,"Thank you so much for a wonderful shopping spree Mrs. Carlson! Is it okay if I go with Amanda now?" She asks politely. The real question is that how can this random girl and her mother or whoever even see the store? I thought only people involved with Angelina could see it! What if now that she was gone, everyone could see it? All these questions were driving me crazy. Before I could even process what was happening, I am now outside with this stranger who claims to know me.

"Uh... Do you mind explaining to me who you are, and how exactly you know me?" I ask. This girl doesn't even hesitate to answer. "I'm new in town. Mrs. Carlson, who you saw there, is my baby sitter. I know you because as my grandma would say,'It's a small, small world out there.' Oh that, and the fact that Willow Falls is a pretty tiny town. I also know Leo, David, Connor, Bailey, Rory, Ray, and Tara. Oh, but they don't know me. I'm Allison, by the way." I nod. Yeah, like that explains a lot. This girl has stalker written all over her. Wait a sec. Why didn't she say Grace? Amanda, Amy, Angelina, and Allison. Coincidence? I think not.
"Well... um. Allison, since you're here, do you want to maybe have lunch with me at my house?" I ask curiously, instantly regretting it. "Wow, that's very nice of you. I'd love to!" She exclaims. There's something that's just unsettling about her. I'll figure it out. I should probably talk to Team Grace about Allison. As we walk across the street to get to my house, Allison says,"By the way... you can call me Ally." I simply nod, not wanting to make coversation. When we get to a point when you can see my house very clearly, Ally asks,"Is that your house?" I nod again. "Wow! It's so utterly amazing!" She says, clearly fascinated. I roll my eyes. My house is a modern ranch-style(okay, not that tiny) house. There is nothing "utterly" about it. Instead of laughing at her, I grunt.

When we get inside, there is no sign of Kylie. However, I do see mom standing behind the kitchen counter, with her apron on. This usually means she's making something good. Usually. "Mom what are you making?" I ask her.

My mom smiles brightly. "Spinach salad," I crinkle my nose in disgust. "Ew," I mutter, hugging her. I decide to take Ally outside to our backyard. For some reason, images of Stepanie and I practicing for gymnastics try outs flash through my mind. This reminds me of our eleventh birthday. This reminds me of Leo. I have't seen him all weekend. Haven't recieved any texts either. I'm starting to get a little worried. Normally, Leo would text or physically tell me if he was going somewhere-not that he was.

"Do you want a sandwich?" I say, knowing that she'd be hungry. Ally raises her eye brow. "That depends. What does this 'sandwich' contain?" Why was being so suspicious? "Tomato, lettuce, cheese, onion, a chicken patty, you know, all that stuff..."

She shakes her head. "No thank you. I'm allergic to fruits, vegetables, and salt."

Carpet, nuts, ketchup, pollen, solar flare, I'd heard it all. But to be allergic to fruits, vegetables, AND salt? Weird.

I took out my phone and texted everyone in Team Grace on our group chat, entitled "Team Grace". Pretty self explanatory name if you ask me.

Amanda: Meet me at my house tomorrow 6pm sharp. Don't ask any questions.

Grace's P.O.V.

I shove my head in my pillow. So. Angry. At. Connor!!!!

I hear foot steps coming up the stairs, and immediately get a vision indicating that Connor is coming up. So quickly, I pull the covers over my head and pretend to be asleep. I'm not ready for an apology yet. A few minutes later I hear a soft,"Grace" And then a sigh. "Grace, I know that you're not actually asleep. It's just... we've got bigger problems. Mom's fainted!" I sit up in bed so fast that my head starts to hurt. Ping! It's a text from Amanda. "I'll be right there," I tell Conner. "But I'm still not talking to you!" I add. Knowing me, I won't be able to focus on Mom unless I've already read Amanda's text that way I won't have to think about what it could have said while dealing with my mom. I read Amanda's text out loud.

Amanda: Meet me at my house tomorrow 6pm sharp. Don't ask any questions.

I sigh. Another problem to take care of. Being the "guardian" of Willow Falls definetly isn't going to be easy. I'm going to need to train myself mentally and phsically.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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