Act 2 | 2: Breaking the news

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Lying on the bathroom floor at 11am was probably my version of therapy. Letting the tears run down my cheeks, my face was flushed red. I messed up. I really messed it up and I don't know what I'm going to do. For the longest time I thought I'd actually be able to make it through school, to graduation. But I was wrong. I just wished they gave me some sort of warning. If I had the warning I would've stopped skipping and actually do something with my life. Frustratingly I ran my hands through my hair, I mean I don't even know what they were talking about with my grades. I was only failing 3 classes, and sure my grades weren't exceptional but they made it seem like I was failing every. Single. One. Which is totally not the case here.

Walking out the door for the last day of summer was when it really hit me. Where was I going to go? What was I going to do? Could I get back in? Closing the door behind me and turning around I was met with his face. Jess' face. I guess he was coming around to see me. "Funny, I was just about to climb through your window" wiping any evidence of tears away from my face I started to laugh, looking up at my boyfriend who I could tell right now, or just wait till he finds out. Which he will eventually. I really should've told him the first week of summer. I realise I zoned out when he's standing right in front of me, cupping my tear stained cheeks into his hands and tilting my chin up to meet his eyes with his thumb. His eyes were always easy to get lost in. "You okay?" He asks softly, his eyes analysing my face. "I- I have to tell you something" I whispered, barely audible but he caught it.

I didn't plan for him to just walk away from me after I told him. "I got expelled" I sighed and looked back up into his eyes that were coloured in guilt. "When did you find out?" He asks, the tone in his voice hard to read. "At the start of summer" I look down to the floor again. Jess ran his fingers through his hair and shakes his head. "AND YOUR ONLY TELLING ME NOW!?" He shouts, making me startle a little, I notice he took a step back and I look back up at him, "Why are you so mad?" I questioned, keeping my composure,

"BECAUSE- DON'T YOU SEE?!" He shouted again, but I wasn't as startled this time. I tried to take a step towards him but he just stuck up his hand. He sighed, "I COULD'VE STOPPED IT, YOU WERE DOING WELL AND THEN I BROUGHT YOU ALONG WITH ME EVERY DAY" his voice started to calm, but he was still loud. "It's not your fault Jess." I try to step towards him again, lifting my arm up for a hug but he backs away. Taking another few steps back before saying, "I- I have to go" and he left me there.

"You're too good for him" Dean comforts me as I sit on the couch, eating chocolate strawberries. I shake my head and look at Dean, "but I'm not though, I'm the one who got kicked out of high school. I'm not graduating" I lift my legs up to my chest and sit like that. "If anything, he's right. It's his fault. You stopped skipping and then all of a sudden this new kid comes in and you're back at it again." He admits putting his hand on my shoulder, getting me to lift my head up to look at him. "We'll get you back in somehow" he promises, making me smile a bit. Though I doubt he could do anything to convince them.

I stuck on my headphones and climbed out my window. Something I haven't done for months. I only did it when I was really upset or something was on my mind. Luckily no one's found out yet. I was kicking some leaves on the ground as I walked around town. Taking a small look inside of Luke's diner to see if there's any sign of Jess. But there wasn't. And I doubt he'd want to talk to me. I turned around ready to leave, "I'm sorry" I turn around to find Jess standing in the doorway of Luke's. I don't know what to say to him. "I shouldn't have spoke to you like that" he admits, taking a step toward me. I took the headphones off my head and kept them around my neck. Soon enough he was right in-front of me. My eyes teared up and I couldn't keep it in. I walked into his arms, wrapping mine around his waist. He rested his chin on my head while he gently stroked the soft hairs on my head.

He allowed me to just sob into his arms for a few minutes as he left gentle kisses on my head. Finally I felt myself stopping. I unwrapped my arms from his waist and looked at him. Grabbing his hands and taking them in mine, "You had every right to react like that, i should've told you" I sighed, stroking his hand with my thumb reassuringly. "I shouldn't have raised my voice at you" and I nodded, I don't think he should've raised his voice but he has a right to be angry. I'm supposed to be his girlfriend and I kept this from him for months. "Hey Jess" i whispered falling deep into his eyes and smiling a little bit, "what?" He asks confusion evident in his eyes. I started chuckling lightly, "You've got a wet patch on your shoulder" I say, looking at his shirt which had my tears on it. Pushing me back playfully and dramatically, he acts offended, "wow this was my favourite" he whines sarcastically. Bringing me into his arms again and kissing me.

A/N: my plans for act 2 🤭

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