Cost or save his life

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"Here who come?" Jace asked. "The King and Queen." Helaena said softly.

(A trumpet blows one last time; the royal family heads down the by-stander filled walkway)

"His Royal Highness: King Henry II." The announcer said. "There's the king!" One of the girls said. "That's King Henry, but is that Catherine?" Mary asked confused. "No. They're still waiting on her. That's Diane de Portiers, the king's mistress." Kenna answered Mary.

"Mistress!" Otto shouted. He would be damn if Viserys had a mistress behind Alicent back it would make his plan go bad or is it?

"So the rumors are true." Greer said. "Unlike her, you'll have no trouble finding husbands here." Lola said with a smile. "We'll certainly enjoy the hunt." Kenna said.

"What about you? Oh, don't tell me. It's about that boy from Aberdeen." Kenna said to Lola. "Colin said he'd wait for me." Lola said fastly. "Till when? We might never be back on Scottish soil, not if it all works out and Mary reigns here." Greer said like it was obvious.

"A Queen marrying a prince." Otto asked with a smirk. "I would wipe that smirk off your face if you know what's better for you." Daemon warned Otto.

"What do you mean, 'if'?" Aylee asked confused. "Make no mistake, we're here now to get our young queen in the game. Alliances can shift. Before they do, Mary needs to win the prince's heart." Greer said with determination.

"She got this!" Rhaenrya said in encouragement.

(Bash begins walking toward Mary and the girls. Kenna rushes over to Mary)

"Is that Francis? He's gorgeous." Kenna gushes about Bash who she think is Francis. "No, that's not Francis. I know it isn't." Mary shut down Kenna. "Then that must be Sebastian, the king's bastard, Diane's son. I hear the king favors him." Kenna said forgetting what she said earlier.

"You know he is handsome tho." Baela said as her twin once again agree. "He be looking HOT!" Luke said out loud.

(Fanfare plays, as the Queen approaches them, bystanders bow to their knees)

"Her Majesty: Queen Catherine!" The guard announced.

Otto looked disgusted.

(Francis then walks to meet Mary)

"I don't believe it." Mary said smiling at Francis. "Your Grace." Francis said bowing to Mary. "No, call me Mary, please." Mary pleaded. "Francis." Francis said. "The castle seems bigger. Is that possible? And you, too, of course." Mary said nervously.

"She nervous.... it's adorable!" Alicent said. "She is." Rhaenrya agreed with Alicent.

(Mary's ladies snicker at her from behind)

"Is that such a surprise?" Francis asked a little rudely. "No. Especially since your legs were always longer than mine. You know, I hated that when we were young-- I was always chasing after you-- but, it suits you." Mary tried to compliment Francis.

"He did not have to be rude." Luke said. "It's a way to prove his in control." Jace said to his younger brother.

(Francis makes a slight gesture toward Mary and they walk away together)

"What is it? You've had a vision." Catherine asked Nostradamus. "It's clear now. I saw your son's future -- his union with Mary." Nostradamus said a Catherine eyes widened.

Rhaenrya was hopeful that it wasn't nothing that bad.

"Well, say it." Catherine hurried Nostradamus. "She will either cost or save Francis life." Nostradamus said.

Rhaenrya eyes widened in shock and in tears. Her baby wouldn't do this bad right? "That's why she should have stayed dead." Otto said as Rhaenrya zoomed out on him.

She didn't know what her body was doing only to know she was harming Otto and it brings her satisfaction. "DON'T. YOU. EVER. SAY. THAT. AGAIN!" Rhaenrya yelled as she was punching Otto in the face.

Daemon had got Rhaenrya off of Otto even though he liked this side of Rhaenrya.  "Okay calm down y'all. Damn you are some free entertainment." I said looking at the scene.

(Catherine slinks back quietly, unsure of what to say)

"....." It was silent. "Take my father to the maester he needs to be checked." Alicent demanded as her father was taking off.

"You okay." Daemon whispered to Rhaenrya. "Yes. It felt good punching Otto I just want to do that again, and again." Rhaenrya said as Daemon shook his head.

"We all want to kill Otto Rhaenrya." Daemon said as the screen started again.

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