Cost or save his life

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(In a dirty, musky chamber, Nostradamus and Catherine have gathered around a plethora of different herbs. He presents her with something in a metal tin)

"That's disgusting." Catherine said after taking a whiff of it. "Where she puts it, he won't smell it. Unless he's a very good husband." Nostradamus said.

"Just like Aegon." Helaena whispered.

(Nostradamus breaks out in a wide grin)

"Imagine that." Catherine said. "You do want Elisabeth to bear sons." Nostradamus read Catherine like a book. "Oh, as soon as possible. Or what is a wife's value? But what about my son Francis? What do your visions say about his future? Tell me, Nostradamus, what have you seen?" Catherine said more frightening for Francis.

"She only scared for her son then daughter? I would ask if she would care if her child dies of childbirth." Rhaena said as he twin agreed. That alone bring bad memories to Daemon.

"I've had fleeting images, but as yet, their meaning is unclear. Perhaps if you were more specific about your concerns." Nostradamus said. "Well, will he love her? Will she love him? How do I control a daughter-in-law who's a queen in her own right?" Catherine said clearly bothered by Mary.

"That's the thing. She cannot control everyone my daughter is a strong woman and she will not fall for that." Rhaenrya said confidently. "How would you know she is those things?" Alicent asked. "Don't question her." Daemon said to Alicent.

"Is that what bothers you? Her power? Mm. Or the fact that she's young and pretty?" Nostradamus said knowing how King Henry is. "I've just had a vision. I see you, beheaded, at my command. Said with gratitude for the secrets we share." Catherine tease him with a little truth behind it.

"Always so quick to behead people." Aemond said rolling his eyes.

"Be patient. Answers will come." Nostradamus only said back.

(MEANWHILE: Outside and inside the castle, people have gathered around, awaiting Mary's arrival. Horses can be heard, trumpets are playing)

"There she comes." A lady said.

Rhaenrya eyes lit up.

(The royal family all walk outside to greet her, including Francis, who urges Bash to come with him. Henry is joined by his mistress, Diane. Outside, two carriages pull up; one with Mary and another with her ladies-in-waiting)

"There's Mary." Aylee said stepping out of the carriage.

(The carriage carrying Mary finally pulls up and comes to a stop. A gentleman offers her a hand getting out, she takes it and her ladies rush over to her. First, they bow to her and then they all hug)

"Mary! We missed you so much!" The girls said laughing happily. "Oh, Kenna, Greer, Lola, I'm so happy to see you." Mary said as she smile at each of them. "Aylee, we're all together again." Mary said to Aylee.

"Aww." Is what some of the Blacks said while the greens was looking on.

(After greeting the girls, Mary looks over to see the royal family looking on)

"Oh, Mary, your hair. Didn't the nuns teach you anything?" Greer asked trying to fix Mary's hair.

"Who's gonna tell her?" Luke asked as everyone said not them.

(They all giggle)

"Oh, Greer, those can't all be clothes." Mary said looking over to see all the trunks that are being unloaded. "There's jewelry and silver, too. I'm making up in volume for what I lack in station, I suppose." Greer responded. "Here they come!" Aylee said on high alert.

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