Around Every Corner pt5

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Lee: "Everybody, get inside the building! NOW!"

Izuku : "RUN!"

Heeding their words, the whole crew makes a break for the front doors while avoiding the undead monsters; Kenny uses his hatchet to chop one walker and shoots another in the brain with his rifle. Christa and Carley made sure the little girl and boy were close by and lead them to the doors while shooting any walker that stood in their path. Molly kicks a geek at a bus and stabs its head with her ice climbing pick and quickly elbows another behind her that got too close as Travis swings his meat cleaver at it, kicks it down and leads ben and chuck inside with Molly. Lee hurries past between two buses, swings his axe at one walker and quickly holds it up to stop another that tried to grapple him and shoves it back, giving izuku the opportunity to shoulder-tackle it, knocking the corpse down on the pavement and kills it with a headshot. As the two men reach the building, they turn back to see Vernon and Brie right behind them. Once everyone made it into the school, they shut the front doors. More walkers were clawing at the outside fence. Unbeknownst to any of them, they were being watched from afar by a man with a pair of binoculars hidden inside a boarded-up building just outside Crawford's barricade.

Izuku: "Go! Go, go!"

The survivors made it inside, but they weren't out of the woods yet. Far from it. They all continue to make a beeline as fast as they could up the stairs to reach the second floor. Lee and izuku were the first to burst through the doors and the rest soon joined them in the hallway. Vernon and Ben close the doors behind them, giving everyone a chance to catch their breath.

Kenny: "Fuck! You think anyone saw us?"

Lee: "Hard to say, but I think we're good. For now, at least."

Taking a moment to look around, the whole place appeared to be completely deserted. They found bullet holes, shell casings and bits of dry blood on the floor. This was definitely not going how they anticipated this raid to be. Somehow, someway, Crawford had fallen. The entire school has become overrun with walkers.

Christa: "What the hell happened to this place? I thought that this was all supposed to be secured?!"

Molly: "What always happens, I guess; In the end, the dead always wins."

Travis: "Yeah, that sounds very reassuring."

Molly: "Hey, just being realistic here."

Ben: "Oh man, we are so screwed!"

Vernon: "No, this is good."

Travis: "What? How?"

Izuku: "Because we can handle walkers a lot easier than people armed with guns."

Travis: "Oh. I see your point."

Kenny: "Okay, so as long as we don't let em box us in, we can still do this. The plan hasn't changed."

Ben: "Are you serious? The plan always changes every time the walkers get involved. Do we even know how many of them are out there?"

Christa: "No, and frankly, I'm not in the mood to do a headcount. The sooner we find those supplies, the sooner we can get the hell outta here."

The teen didn't dare to say anything else for fear of further getting yelled at.

Izuku: "Brie, which way are we heading?"

Brie: "Down here. We might be able to find a safe room this way."

With Brie leading the way, the group follows her through the school hallway. Ben was bringing up the rear and mumbles under his breath.

Ben: "I have a bad feeling about this."

There were multiple signs with rules written on them hanging among the walls. Henry glanced at them and gave them a quick glare that went unnoticed. The survivors look at the doors that had been boarded-up, each with a big red X on them. They could hear a lot of groaning and banging coming from the other side of the doors.

Telltales TWD Izuku season one Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ