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It's only been a few months since he's taken on the strategy of living by himself after spending a good 20 years with his dad's intolerable antics, and the fact that he'd rather go back to listening to his father bitch about him being a bad kart racer than bear the noise of his room mate making out with a random girl almost every day of the week- and that he hates it- is an understatement.

In all honesty, he doesn't even know why the fuck he moved out in the first place, because he's tolerated this very behaviour for 20 years so maybe a year more wouldn't hurt- oh. Right. House to college distance you call it.

Probably the only modern problem that doesn't have or require a modern solution.


Max had already made his mind up about getting a bad room mate- but he had never expected things to get this bad.

There's no one minute that he gets to have a piece of his mind without having his overly energetic roomate, Daniel, either singing his heart away or playing several matches of FIFA- anything either than studying, anything that'll consist of him bursting in all of his trapped frenetic energy.

Max understands that he himself isn't no good either. Max has always loved himseld confined spaces where it's only him and nobody else. Quite an absurd liking to have but it's called preferences and then again, Max happens to be a human, and not that goofy disney character from ice age or whatever the name was, Max doesn't wanna hear it again.

He has to admit, even though his room mate is a big pain the arse, he's a huge sweetheart. And even though making out with girls at the break of dawn isn't an ideal to realistically be able to consider as valid to categorise under someone as 'sweetheart', he still is.

Daniel cuddling him during his random meltdowns from study pressure may or may not be the reason behind Max compromising in this issue.

What Daniel does in broad daylight is quite unacceptable. Drinking can after can of beverages and littering them on the floor, leaving crumbs of chips and crumbles of toast on the couch that they share, blasting off music when Max is clearly invested in studying, bringing random girls because he wants to and he can,- none of these would ever sit well with a normally thinking person, but it happens to be quite the opposite for Max.

Max can't really round up to the fact that what Daniel does is beyond ridiculous and he's not supposed to still be sitting here and tolerating it while Daniel enjoys himself in a strip club lord knows where.

If Max is being honest, Daniel is a charmer. And he may or may not have caught an innocent Max Verstappen in his trap who was only strolling around to find a living for himself. And as the charmer he is, he's gotten away with his antics too, with a simple teethy smile. Well, not an ordinary teethy smile at that.

It somehow suits him too well, always making him stand out in the crowd. Although he's not got the best reputation attainable, he makes it up with his smile and a kiss to the cheek. Maybe the kiss is an invasion of privacy considering that he applies that with people he barely knows the names of, but it's charm is a remarkable one, and has saved him from a shitton of troubles that he still isn't grateful for. What a charmingly proud bastard.

It's the first time in a long time that Max is acquainted with such thoughts encircling his study-shit filled head. Like a normal person, his head eventually wonders where Daniel might be. Even though this is supposed to be the least of his problems right now considering that he has to submit his papers day after tomorrow, he isn't met with the fright of that thought just yet.

Where would I go if I was Daniel? Max pondered, purposelessly staring away at the blaring screen of his laptop, letting the harmful rays eat away at his eyes without a pain.

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