Myra soon reached the island club, leaving her bike at the back. She felt even more yucky now than before, sweat trickling along her temples and back. She groaned as she hurried into the back of the entrance hall, hoping that no one would see her. Cheyenne wasn't there yet, but Myra knew that they had a shift together. However Myra was early, longing for a hot shower. She was quick to grab her uniform from her locker before she rushed off towards the bathroom. She dumped her clothes on the floor before stepping into the small shower, turning the knob. Warm water began to wash over her, soaking her skin and hair. Myra sighed with relief, closing her eyes as she dragged her fingers through her dirty hair, washing all of the sand and salt and grime out of it.

By the time Myra had made herself look decent, Cheyenne had gotten into work. She was sat by the front desk sipping on a cup of coffee as Myra walked out, buttoning the last top button on her shirt. "Afternoon little miss" Cheyenne spoke. "Hey Cheyenne" Myra greeted her, pulling her blonde hair into a ponytail. Cheyenne took another sip of her coffee, slowly flipping through the newspaper. "Anything interesting?" Myra asked as she sat down by the computer, gazing at the aging woman. "Nah, there never is" Cheyenne muttered, flipping another page "just rich people doing rich things... oh and sports". Myra giggled, knowing that her coworker was right. The local newspaper wouldn't write about anything from the cut, it simply wasn't even half as interesting as life around the figure eight.

The day passed slowly, and around four in the afternoon Myra was sent home by her boss seeing as both the hotel and the island club weren't experiencing as many guests as they had hoped for. So Myra said goodbye to Cheyenne, got changed back into her clothes and let the club on her bike. She got off of it in the middle of the island centre, pulling it along her sides as she gazed around. It was a busy day for the shop owners. A lot of people were in motion, shopping and walking around. Some were coming from the nearby beach and others were just roaming around, getting their errands done. A lot of boats were docked down by the water. Myra enjoyed the motion of the small island centre. The chatter and laughter all around her was surprisingly uplifting.

"Myra Maybank, hey"

She stopped and turned around as she heard a familiar voice call her name. It rang into the hot air so effortlessly, taking her by surprised. Rafe had stopped his big black SUV car by the curb and rolled his window down. He was poking head head out, a faint smirk upon his lips. Myra couldn't help but to smile as she stood there holding onto her bike, gazing at him. "Hey" she spoke back, drumming her fingers against the handles of her bike. "Where you going?" Rafe asked, blinking his blue eyes. "I don't know" Myra shrugged, letting the light breeze stroke her cheeks, "home I guess"

"Need a ride?"

"I... uhm, I have my bike" Myra mumbled, glancing down at the old slightly rusty bicycle. "It fits in the trunk, we both know that" Rafe pressed, the smirk upon his lips growing. Myra laughed, gazing around as she let out a, "yeah, yeah it does", before she returned her wandering eyes towards the kook boy. "So what do you say?" Rafe asked, repeating himself, "do you want a ride?". Myra nodded her head gently, "yeah sure"

Rafe turned the car off and got out of it, he grabbed ahold of Myra's bike, their fingertips brushing against each other. It was just like last time, minus the pouring rain, much to Myra's enjoyment. Still, the flashback was strong. Rafe looked exactly like the last time, minus the wet hair and soaked t-shirt. The muscles upon his toned arms flexed in the same way and his cocky grin was just as strong. Myra watched as Rafe loaded the old bike into his expensive car like it was nothing. He then closed the trunk and clapped his hands together, turning back to face her. "Let's go" he spoke, the grin still on his face. "Yeah" Myra giggled, almost skipping on her steps as they began to move, "yeah let's go"

THE PICTURE OF YOU -rafe cameron-Where stories live. Discover now