POV: Parenting

51 5 2

Wisp: So...

Henwy: Let me get this straight...

Wisp: While Henwy was here in the hospital...

Wisp: You ran away...

Henwy: And worried everyone...

Wisp: Without a way to contact you.

Simon: Well... it all turned out fine in the end-

Henwy: I'm not done talking, Simon.

Henwy: And since I'm your father, disciplinary actions will be taken.

Henwy: I was tasked by your mother to find the proper punishment.

Henwy: *sips tea*

Henwy: The method I chose is a bit... traditional.

Wisp: ???

Henwy: *holds a slipper* this will hurt me more than it hurts you.

Wisp: *WHAT-*

Simon: WAIT-!


Biffle: He hit his child... with a slipper?!

Wisp: Yeah...

Nico: And what happened after that?

Wisp: He was barred from using any mobile devices for a week...

Sigils: This guy is too much...

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