Je t'aime aussi

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The girls sat together at a table in the library, studying. It was a quiet atmosphere, and the sunlight streamed through the curtains of the windows. "What are the five exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration?" Mary read the question aloud, waiting for a response from the others in the room. "Alright, you can't conjure goblin metal, just as you can't conjure wands, potions, and potion ingredients," Marlene began, puzzling Dorcas, who was also deep in thought. "I believe you can't conjure magical objects out of thin air in general, even though it would save a lot of work," she continued.

"You also can't conjure food!" Lily added to the list, and Mary diligently recorded their answers. "Well, water is also considered food, and there's 'Aguamenti,' or 'Avis' that conjures birds. It was never explicitly stated that you can't roast birds," Pandora speculated dryly, diverting Lily's attention to her. Of course, everyone in the group was familiar with Pandora's unique perspective and wasn't surprised by her somewhat questionable viewpoint.

However, Lily couldn't help but find it fascinating how such an innocent-looking girl could say something like that. Lily had to admit that Pandora was a very beautiful woman. Her long blonde braided hairstyle with her wand tucked between her head and headband, that smile that was so infectious that Lily couldn't help but grin, Pandora's porcelain-white skin that almost shimmered in the light, making her look like a fairy from a fairy tale. She truly resembled a princess from a children's book and did her surname, "Rosier," great justice. When Lily realized she was staring, she blushed and turned to look at the unmistakably infatuated couple.

Marlene sat cross-legged, her hair cut in a wolf cut, and she had applied thick eyeliner. Dorcas had comfortably nestled her head on Marlene's lap, holding the book she was reading. Her very dark skin complemented her black faux locs quite well. And then there was Mary, sitting next to Marlene, hunched over her notebook. Her short curls were tied up in a small bun. Despite her curvier body compared to most other girls, she didn't shy away from presenting her appearance.

Yet, Lily's eyes kept wandering to the Ravenclaw. Naturally, Lily couldn't — no, she didn't want to — explain it any other way than Pandora simply having an alluring aura. Although deep down, Lily knew that this girl owned her heart, and had for a very long time. Pandora would smile kindly whenever she noticed Lily looking at her, which only made Lily's heart beat faster. Merlin, she was ruined for anyone else. "Lily, what's your opinion?" Lily was rudely pulled out of her daydreaming world by Dorcas' voice, and four pairs of eyes looked at her with interest.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought. What was the topic?" All the girls started giggling, although Marlene's laughter wasn't particularly quiet, earning them a stern look from Madam Pince. "Quidditch," Marlene simply replied. "You know Quidditch doesn't interest me," Lily said, trying to focus on her notes finally. "Hey, I actually wanted to ask, what's going on with you and Potter?" Mary suddenly spoke up. "What do you mean, with him?" "Well, he was supposedly head over heels in love with you?"

Of course, Lily knew this rumor. It wasn't easy to ignore when it was the number one topic of conversation: "The rich, handsome pure-blood James Potter in love with the Muggle-born bookworm redhead." Lily had hated this attention because it wasn't even her doing. But the rumors faded as quickly as they came, and soon enough, there were rumors that James was supposedly gay. Well, you could never really trust rumors.

"Well, he never asked me out on a date, so I don't think any feelings, if there were any, were very strong," Lily's voice was disinterested, but she still saw a faint pain in Pandora's eyes, which she couldn't explain. Pandora's eyes, with their beautiful ice-blue color... Focus, Lily! Lily tried to maintain eye contact with Pandora and barely noticed the awkward silence that had fallen among the rest.

"Um... Speaking of Potter, I have Quidditch practice with him later, so I have to go!" Marlene gave Dorcas a quick kiss on the lips and then left the library. But Lily hardly paid them any attention because her gaze still belonged to Pandora, and Pandora stared back with the same intensity that it was almost deadly. "Hey, Mary, what's going on with you and that brown-haired guy?" Dorcas tried to break the strange atmosphere. "He cheated on me with Doris Purkiss, his loss," Mary replied dryly. That had always been her attitude: if someone cheated on her, well, tough luck.

Suddenly, Dorcas stood up. "I'm going too. I was going to meet Lucinda." "Who?" Mary's voice wasn't curious, more bored. "Lucinda Talkalot, my team captain." "Ah." And just like that, she marched through the same door Marlene had used. Mary sighed, "I'll finish the assignments tomorrow. Have fun, you two!" With a wink at the two girls, Mary followed Dorcas out of the archway.

None of them said a word. You could hear the whispering of the other students, but despite that, you could feel how the silence between the two was almost cutting. Avoiding eye contact completely, both focused only on their homework. The only sound for the next few minutes — maybe even hours — was the quills gliding carefully over the paper and the elegant handwriting of the women. Lily cautiously glanced

at Pandora; in Lily's opinion, Pandora had the most beautiful handwriting.

It was challenging to read, but Lily liked how Pandora wrote almost without realizing it, with all those curves. Lily inclined her head carefully, only to notice that Pandora was looking at her. Damn, she noticed that I was watching how she writes. "Is something wrong?" Pandora's voice was soft and dreamy, although the slight hurt undertone was still there. "Nothing, how about you?" "Well, I dreamt last night that my entire happiness was killed by a rat. But other than that, I only have minor problems with a deer."

Entire happiness. What did it mean? "What do you mean by 'entire happiness'?" Pandora's eyes first darted over Lily's slightly parted lips before she answered, "You." She said it completely without shame, a word that made Lily's heart race. Carefully, without crossing any boundaries, Lily placed her hand on Pandora's cheek. "Please tell me I'm not misunderstanding this!" Lily's voice was pleading. Please tell me you want this too. Without responding, Pandora placed her lips on Lily's.

And Merlin, Lily was in heaven. She tasted Pandora's lipstick that she always used to prevent her lips from getting dry. The kiss was gentle, calm, but still, Lily's heart melted at the gesture. Slowly, Lily ran her thumb along Pandora's cheek. Pandora's hands rested on Lily's hips. Pandora's hands were cold but not unpleasant. Lily placed her free hand around Pandora's shoulder to deepen the kiss. It was more beautiful than in her deepest dreams. Carefully, Lily nibbled on Pandora's lips, eliciting a soft whimper from her.

Reality slowly caught up with the two girls; you're in a library. They pulled apart and grinned at each other like freshly in love thirteen-year-olds. Without haste, both packed up their school supplies and left the library. Chuckling, the two girls disappeared into a broom closet to continue the kiss. In both of the girls' minds, thoughts were switched off; they only had each other on their minds. When they ended their kiss due to lack of air, Lily heard a faint whisper, "Je t'aime." It was spoken in perfect French, and at first, Lily thought she had imagined it, but no. Pandora had indeed said it. And, well, not many knew that Lily also mastered the so-called language of love:

"Je t'aime aussi, plus que je ne devrais probablement."

Sorry to all my French readers if something Is wrong:

"Je t'aime.": "I love you."

"Je t'aime aussi, plus que je ne devrais probablement.": "I love you too, more than I probably should."

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