The Souls of the Past

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July 19, 1998

"Hey Harry! I found something!" Hermione exclaimed as she entered the room, approximately two months after the battle had been won and Voldemort defeated. And yet, nothing in the world seemed to improve Harry's mood, or so he thought. "Take a look at this, Harry!" Excitedly, Hermione pointed to the dusty book she had brought with her. It was a dark green, easily mistaken for black, and the cover was adorned with silver lines. But it was the title that caught Harry's attention:
The Diary of Regulus Arcturus Black

"Where did you find it?" Harry asked curiously, looking directly into Hermione's eyes. An uncomfortable silence ensued until Hermione responded. "In Kreacher's... sleeping place." She pronounced the last words with a significant delay. Hermione was still very interested in her S.P.E.W. (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) campaign, and the fact that Harry's house-elf didn't even have a proper room infuriated her. "Apparently, he kept his master Regulus's diary." Harry carefully took the diary from Hermione's hands and gestured for her to sit next to him, which she did. Just as protectively, he flipped through the pages and stopped at a certain passage:

Friday, March 5, 1972

It's getting worse. Sirius didn't come for the Easter holidays any more than he did for Christmas. Seems like those friends of his really matter more to him than his own brother, but well, at least I have Pandora and Evan. Well, back to the topic, it's worse. Mother screams about every little thing, and Father takes out his anger on Sirius through me. I can't keep going like this much longer. Sirius, please.


Of course, Harry had known for a while that the Black family wasn't exactly the nicest, but this? He flipped through a few more pages until he stumbled upon something strange and began reading aloud, allowing Hermione to follow along:

Friday, October 31, 1975

Cher journal,
Today is Halloween, and just like every year, there was a lot going on in the Slytherin common room. And so, as usual, I wanted to go to the Astronomy Tower and admire the stars. But I ran into someone, James Putain Potter! But I have to be honest, I wasn't as angry about it as I should have been. He may have stolen my brother, but... he was nice. And Salazar... his smile, I understand why Sirius likes him more than me, James is perfect.


Wait... why was there a note in the margin: James' heart? More confused than before, Harry continued flipping:
(TW: Lots of French swearing.)

Donnerstag, 30 September 1976

Cher journal,
Ah, pour Salazar, Ah, pour Salazar, Putain de con, quelle idiote je fais! I did not just kissed James Fleamont Potter! Putain de merde! And than he just asked me if i want to be his Boyfriend!? Je n'arrive tout simplement pas à y croire! La personne dans laquelle j'étais amoureux depuis Halloween?! Of course i said yes, But Salazar.
I should go and calm down.


Harry's thoughts spun wildly. R.A.B. had been with his father? Why didn't Sirius ever mention it? Or did he not know either? "Harry, I think we should continue reading later, hmm?" Hermione gently brought Harry back to reality and set the book aside. Without responding to her words, Harry snuggled up to her. A simple gesture he had frequently made in the past few weeks. Yet, somehow, the atmosphere was different. Harry's heart raced. And with a glance at Hermione, he realized that she felt the same way; a look, and they knew they had long since crossed the boundaries of friendship.

Translation (Sorry to all my French Readers if something is wrong)
Cher journal: Dear Dairy
James Putain Potter: James Fucking Potter
Ah, pour Salazar: Oh, for Salazar's sake
Putain de con, quelle idiote je fais: Fuck, what an Idiot i am!
Putin de merde: Fucking Shit
Je n'arrive tout simplement pas à y croire! La personne dans laquelle j'étais amoureux depuis Halloween?!: I simply can't believe it! The person I've been in love with since Halloween?!

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