
Start from the beginning

Gwen's disappointed expression added to the unease that had already gripped Widow. Without uttering a word, Gwen began to approach her, and Widow's instincts kicked in. She reached for her web shooters, but the shocking realization hit her-she had no webs left.

Panicked, Widow turned and ran for the front door. She swung it open, but her escape was interrupted by an intense, blinding light. "Agh!" Widow yelped, shielding her eyes from the brightness. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, and as the realization dawned on her, she found herself back on the roof, the same roof where she had shared her last moments with her own Gwen.

Widow's breathing became erratic, and a deep sense of dread overwhelmed her. The lines between reality and nightmare had blurred, and she was left grappling with a profound and haunting experience.

Widow, gripped by panic, frantically turned around to re-enter the door, only to find it had vanished. The sense of desperation and fear intensified.

"No... no no no no no," Widow muttered to herself, her voice trembling. She glanced upward and saw Gwen approaching, her heart racing as she stepped back slowly, the uncanny presence of the nightmarish figure driving her further into a state of profound fear and uncertainty.

Widow's foot teetered on the edge, but she managed to maintain her balance, her entire body quaking with fear as Gwen loomed right in front of her. She could no longer bring herself to meet Gwen's gaze, her trembling growing more pronounced, trapped in a nightmare she couldn't comprehend or escape from.

Widow, her face buried in Gwen's shoulder, continued to shake as her body was consumed by fear and distress. The feeling of relief was short-lived, as a sudden, sharp pain pierced her stomach. As Widow looked down, her eyes widened in horror at the sight of Gwen driving a knife through her abdomen.

Weak and dizzy, Widow felt her strength ebbing away, her blood oozing over Gwen's hand and the handle of the knife. Her body went limp, and her chin rested on Gwen's shoulder as she was utterly incapacitated.

In a shocking and horrifying turn of events, Gwen moved Widow's lifeless body to the edge of the rooftop. Their eyes met, and in that harrowing moment, Gwen pulled the knife out, causing Widow to topple over the edge. Gwen gazed at Widow with an eerie, blank expression as she watched her fall.

The nightmarish encounter reached its chilling climax, leaving Widow in a state of shock and horror, unable to fully comprehend the surreal and terrifying ordeal she had just experienced...

Widow's body shot up in bed just as her nightmare was about to reach its gruesome conclusion. Her eyes were wide open, and she was covered in sweat, her breathing heavy and labored.

Relieved to have awakened from the nightmarish ordeal, Widow took a moment to collect herself. "Thank fuck it was just a nightmare," she thought to herself, her heart still racing as she tried to calm her heavy breathing with a few deep breaths. The relief of being back in the real world gradually settled in, reminding her that she was safe and the horrors of the dream were not her reality.

As Widow looked down to her left, she discovered Gwen sleeping peacefully and soundly beside her. The sight of Gwen's serene slumber brought a soft smile to Widow's face, and her heart warmed at the peaceful image.

Widow's affection for her friend grew, and she was grateful that her nightmare hadn't disrupted Gwen's rest. In the quiet of the night, Widow watched over Gwen, taking solace in the comfort of their shared presence and the knowledge that, for now, they were both safe and undisturbed.

Widow settled back down, finding comfort in the presence of her peacefully slumbering friend. As she scrolled through TikTok on her phone, Gwen's arm remained wrapped tightly around Widow's waist, providing a sense of security and companionship in the quiet of the night.

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