"Okay... " Daniel said unsure what Johnny meant obviously he wasn't just going to walk out into Johnny's friends after Johnny said he was in here.

Johnny then flushed the unused toilet and unlocked the door making sure he only opened it so that he could slide out and Daniel wouldn't be seen. He then kept his fingers on the door so that Daniel could quickly grab the door and keep it closed.

Once Johnny was out, Daniel let out a small breath of air, releasing what he felt a few moments ago. How amazing it felt for Johnny to be so close to him..

He cut of the thoughts again as he listened to the conversation outside the door.

"You good johnny?" Dutch's voice this time.

"Yeah why?" Johnny said.

"I don't know.. You just look like... Overwhelmed"

"Overwhelmed?" Johnny said, coughing before he said it, his voice sounding surprised.

Johnnys pov:

Johnny couldn't believe what had happened. He didn't know why he had pulled daniel into the same stall as him. Maybe he didn't want daniel to get beaten up again or maybe he didn't want his friends realising what was happening. That Johnny wasn't taking the mick out daniel and was actually being... Alright.. To him.

Maybe that was why when his friend, Dutch had made a comment that he looked overwhelmed. He quickly coughed surprised by his friends words.

"Overwhelmed?" Johnny said trying not to sound as embarrassed. He knew daniel was still in the stall and he knew he didn't want his friends thinking anything had happened. Johnny knew he couldn't look overwhelmed. He just couldnt.

Nothing had really happened anyway. So why did he feel so..

Johnny turned to the mirror seeing his cheeks slightly red and his eyes widened a bit before he quickly looked away back at his three friends.

"I'm just.. A bit hot" he said, shaking his red biker jacket of his arms. His friends gave him a nod, falling for johnnys excuse. For his lie. But one of them didn't look as convinced.

Johnnys best friend at off his gang, bobby looked at him unsure. Like he knew it wasn't just that Johnny was hot but he didn't say anything as Johnny looked at him and instead took johnny's jacket from him.

"Alright then..lets get out of here, it might be cooler outside" Bobby suggested to the others, who nodded in the agreement.

Johnny was glad for his friends.. They where always there for him. Mostly to help him beat up kids. But Johnny could have a good time with them like when they whent on there motobike rides and when they drank there favourite beer together but Bobby was definitely johnnys best friend. Bobby was there for Johnny when no one else was and he thought he could tell Bobby anything because Bobby was the most accepting and he had knew Bobby for the longest.

When Johnny first meet the rest of his friends, he first only new Bobby and he sat there with him one night after karate training and cried on his shoulder. Bobby hugged him tightly telling him not to cry. He was crying because something that had happened during the karate training and his step-dad but that was the last time Johnny cried. He couldn't cry after that. He couldn't let himself be weak again.

His friends started to leave the bathroom and Johnny looked back at the stall daniel was in, the moment with eachother, alone, kept playing in his head.

"Johnny?" Bobby said a few steps away from him. Holding the bathroom door open.

Johnny quickly looked back at Bobby and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm coming" he said as he walked through the door. Bobby slipping out after him as the door slammed shut.

The two walked together for a while, both boys not saying much as there 2 other friends walked a couple of steps in front.

"Johnny.. Is there anything that's on your mind?" Bobby finally spoke cutting off the silence between the two. Johnny looked at him and let at a small sigh.

He didn't want to tell Bobby, but maybe he needed too maybe Bobby would make him see straight. Make him forget about larusso.

But he couldnt right now..

"Can I talk to you.. After school?" He asked looking at his friend and hoping he didn't look to desperate to tell him.

Bobby gave him a soft smile and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah of course.. You can come to mine if you want?" Bobby said. The kindness in his voice making Johnny smile more and give him a small nod.

"Yeah that would great" he said as the two continued walking.

Johnny did feel a bit happier at the fact he felt like he could tell Bobby but he couldn't help the small doubt in his head that Bobby would hate him for even thinking off having feelings like that. Bobby wasn't like that though, so Johnny thought, it was more his other friends finding out that worried him and daniel larusso himself.

our hatred- daniel x johnnyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora