Part 5 | Training

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You were rudely awoken by a pillow slamming into your face.

"L/n! Get your ass up!"

You groaned, rolling over and looking up at Nat and Steve who were standing at the edge of your bed, Steve giving you a kind smile and Nat holding another pillow up.

"Time to get up!" She said cheerily, dropping another pillow on you.

"What for?" You groaned, looking at the clock on your bedside table. "It's 4:30 in the morning!"

"Exactly, we're running late" Steve frowned, tapping his watch. "We let you sleep in."

"How kind of you. What exactly are you waking me up for at this disgusting time of the day?"

"Training, obviously" Clint commented as he dropped out of a vent, giving you a grin.

"Training for what?" you grumbled.

Clint rolled his eyes. "Well if you're going to be stuck here with us, you may as well learn some self-defence skills at least."

"I thought you were smarter than this" Nat smirked.

"Don't wake me up at 4:30 in the morning an insult my intelligence" you groaned, taking the training suit Nat passed you and shooing them all out so you could get changed. "Ridiculous."


You spent around an hour with Clint doing archery lessons, but that was over quickly after you accidentally shot him in the foot for the sixth time.

Nat and Steve then began teaching you the basics of hand to hand combat and how to use a gun, Nat throwing in some knife skills.

"Hold it like this" she demonstrated, holding up the knife and indicating for you to do the same. "Good. Now, point the tip where you want it to go, and throw using the muscles in your upper arm."

"What muscles?" you grinned. "Self burn."

The assassin rolled her eyes with a quiet laugh. "Steve will get you into weight lifting, trust me. Hurry up and throw the knife."

You aimed the knife at the throwing board, pointing the tip at the centre before throwing it as hard as you can, wincing as it barely misses Clint's head and sticks into the wall beside him. "Sorry Clint!"

"What did I ever do to you?!" he complained, glaring at the knife suspiciously while bandaging his foot from earlier. "Honestly, I don't think you were made for combat."

"It was the knife's fault!" you tried as Nat rolled her eyes again, smiling.

"Yeah sure" she said mockingly, walking over and pulling the blade out of the wall with a smirk. "Tony won't be happy about that."

"What did you do?!" the billionaire's voice shouted from downstairs. "I have Friday on alert if you do anything!"

"I swear it was the knife's fault" you insisted, folding your arms. "I don't like that knife!"

"You're being silly" Nat answered.

"She has a point" a smooth voice commented behind you you.

Looking behind you, you could see Loki leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded, the grin on his face making it clear he'd seen your terrible attempt at knife throwing.

"I know" Nat replied.

Loki smirked, pushing off the doorframe and walking towards you. "I was referring to Y/n. I only throw with a certain type of dagger, simply because it suits my throwing style."

Nat raised her brows. "Where I come from, we didn't have the privilege of choosing."

"Fair point. But Y/n does, so why not let her choose a blade better suited for her?" he suggested, stopping in front of you and looking down at you, holding out his hand towards you. "May I?"

Hesitantly you held out your hand towards him, the God carefully taking your hand in his, gently running his fingertips along your fingers before flipping your hand over, his eyes tracing along your palm.

"What are you looking at?" you questioned, watching his face as he studied your hand intently.

"What type of hand you have" he answered simply, carefully moving your and fingers around before letting go and conjuring an short yet elegant blade, passing it to you. "I believe you would do more damage with this."

He stepped back, allowing you access to the target, gesturing towards it, Nat, Steve and Clint all watching with interest.

"No pressure" you muttered, Loki smiling slightly as you took the stance Nat showed you, the God's hand reaching to gently adjust the positioning of your shoulders.

Aiming at the target again, you pointed the tip of the blade at the centre before pulling back and throwing it. This time the blade actually hits the target, not too far from the edge.

Nat raised her eyebrows with a slight grin. "Well then, you should that type of knife then Y/n."

"Thanks Loki" you smiled, the God giving you a small smile in return.

"You're welcome" Loki replied, using his magic to pull the blade out of the target and back into his hand, smirking as it deliberately whizzes past Clint before he catches it and passes it to you. "Now, I believe the short man Stark has organised a magic lesson for you."

"I'm a human though" you answered in confusion, looking up at him curiously before looking over at Steve who nods.

"We want Loki to test if you have any magic in you somewhere" Steve explains. "If there is any you may as well be trained in it."

The other three all leave to go do their separate training, leaving you alone with Loki.

The God holds both his hands out to you, palms up, looking down at you. "May I again?"

"How are you going to find out if I have any magic?" you asked him.

"Give me your hands and you'll see."

Placing your hands in his, you watched curiously as he closed his eyes, green magic flowing out of his hands and down your arms, flowing over your whole body and making you glow slightly.

The two of you remained like this for a moment before he opened his eyes again with a smile, removing his hands. "Well, there's something there."

"What kind of something?"


"Wow, you're so helpful" you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes as he grins slightly. "How do I have magic if I'm a human?"

He thinks for a moment, looking down at you. "I'm not entirely certain. Have you ever been experimented on?"


"Ever fallen into something radioactive?"

"Not recently."

"Ever been bitten by something weird?"

"Does my friend count?"

He chuckled, smiling. "That depends. But I'm not sure where your magic originates from. Have you ever considered that you're not entirely human?"

"What if I am a robot?" you mumbled, grinning to yourself. "I'm so funny."

"That's one word for it" the God grinned.


Lokiisbestantihero Thank you for being the most patient person to ever exist😭💗

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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