Chapter 1

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- Third Person's Point Of View -

Haruichi Hachi Onizuka is the daughter of the emperor of the Onizuka Empire, where all the powerful Oni(s) came from to train. Haruichi’s Mother is a Nine Tailed Fox goddess who had fallen to a Great Oni and claimed their land and got married, and at last, Haruichi Hachi was born into their world of magic.

Jagger Onizuka is a well known Oni warrior in their land, and in fact marries the nine tailed fox goddess, Kai. Kai is described as a very intelligent and Kind goddess. She met Jagger in her shrine and fell in love, Kai borned an healthy baby girl and they named her Haruichi Hachi. 

Haruichi grew older and older and gained her mother’s petite figure, Haruichi also gained how strong her father is and also got her mother’s ability to shapeshift, grant wishes and blessings.

Jagger Onizuka is pretty strict to his people and especially the people who live in his land, before he marries Kai. Both Jagger’s parents are powerful and great Onis, they never fail their people, perhaps a lot of other creatures idolize them for being the greatest leader in their empire. The Onizuka Empire always wins their wars and the richest empire, Jagger met Kai in the same wisteria forest. Kai is a Nine tailed fox Goddess who protects the whole island including the Wisteria forest.

~ 3 years later ~

“Empress Haruichi, the emperor is calling you.” A servant called outside her room and Haruichi looked up from her journal to her door and put her quill pen back to the holder and stood up. “Alright, tell him to wait.” she said as she looked at the mirror and left her room, as she arrived at where her father is she bowed to him for respect and smiled. “Good afternoon, father.” She greeted the Emperor and sat across from him, “Afternoon my sweet angel, what’s your plan for today?” the Emperor asked as Haruichi watched a servant pour matcha tea in a jade cup. Haruichi takes a sip and looks at her father, “I’m thinking about going out to visit my favorite tree.” She answered and the emperor turned to her with a straight lip, “Do I need to send a couple of guards to watch you?” the emperor asked as he looked at his daughter. Haruichi shook her head and gave her father a reassuring smile, “No thank you father, I think I can protect myself.” 

Emperor Jagger nodded and he trusted his daughter’s word, he did think Haruichi could protect herself without his help, after all she’s a very brave young lady and very smart. “Alright, as you say so.” he said as he sipped his warm tea. Haruichi left the room and went to her room again and  continued writing in her journal. 

- Haruichi's Point Of View -

‘I’ll be visiting the wisteria forest outside the empire today, been reading a lot about that forest but never really went there as I knew of. I’m dying to know what it’s like out there, and I don’t need to bring a Guard with me since I can take care of myself.’ I wrote on the page of my journal and put back the Quill pen to the pen holder, Stood up to ready my adventure bag, put snacks and perhaps drinks and my drawing book in case I felt like painting it so I could add it to my collections of my paintings. As I made my way out the empire gate, I felt the fresh cold breeze and sort of smelled a light scent of cinnamon. It only takes me 30 minutes to arrive at the wisteria forest, seeing it with my very own’s so beautiful. While setting my stuff to this wood comfy bench that I found while finding a good shade and spot to hang out, the soft cold breeze and the shade helps too by shielding me away from the sun although it wasn’t that hot at all. After setting up my canvas and taking out my color paints, I felt this feeling like someone was watching me from afar but I looked around and saw no one. 

After I finished the painting of the wisteria trees, I let it dry first and packed up some color paints and the brush. Taking out my snacks and setting them carefully on the bench and taking a bite onto my chocolate hazelnut sandwich and opening my matcha tea with special milk. While enjoying my snack, I felt a soft finger tap my shoulder, I turned and saw a very handsome man wearing a white and blue satin kimono with this high wood slipper. “Are you lost?” He asked with concern laced in his voice and I shook my head, “No, I'm not lost. Perhaps I’m here to relax.” I explained as I put away my snacks. 

“I’m sorry if I sat here, maybe this is your spot. I’m really sorry.” I apologized as I stood up from the bench and hurried to gather my things but felt his gentle hand halting me from rushing away. “No it’s okay, I’m Psych Reapland, the guardian of Wisteria Forest.” He claimed as he spoke softly, I felt my cheeks heating up and looked at his soft hand still holding my wrist, from his hold my wrist looked smaller than his. “Who are you and where are you from?” he asked as he kept this soft stare at me and my cheeks heated more, “U-um, I’m Haruichi Hachi Onizuka..” I stuttered as I kept my eyes on him and he suddenly let go and bowed. “Pardon me, but are you the daughter of Emperor Jagge Onizuka? The emperor of the Onizuka empire?” Psych asked and I nodded, he simply nodded and I stood in front of him awkwardly. He spoke again, “Do you often go here?” he asked and I simply shook my head ‘no’.  

“Why not?” Psych frowned as he looked at me and I noticed that he had a very fluffy wolf tail. He probably noticed and hid his tail behind him. “You got a nice fluffy tail. I have nine!” I exclaimed and he seemed surprised, “You’re a nine tailed fox?” he asked as his eyes widened as I showed him my nine tails. I noticed it's starting to get darker but the fireflies make the whole forest slightly light up, “I think I have to go back before it gets darker out here.” I said as I sling my bag onto my shoulder and glanced at Psych. “I can show you the way out.” Psych said as he leads the way but also keeps checking me if I'm still following him. 

As Psych led the way, I sensed something lurking behind us and I tried to see who was following or lurking but I didn't see anything suspicious. As Psych and I said our goodbye and went inside the gate of the empire. As I walked up the countless stairs up to the castle, I saw my father and his guards waiting by the entrance of the castle. “Did you have fun, my dearest?” My father asked as I went to the last step of the stairs. “I had fun actually, I also painted the scenery trees while I was there.” I said as my father smiled and nodded his head, we went inside and he sat in his usual spot in the lounge while I’m taking out my painting and my other coloring material such as Paint and Paint brush. “Let me look at your latest painting.” Father said as I handed him my latest painting of wisteria forest, “this looks amazing, Harui.” Father complimented my painting skills.

“Thanks father.” I thanked him as he studied my painting. I let him hang the new painting on the wall where me and my mom hang our painting, after that I went to my bedroom lounge and put away my stuff in their respective places and got ready for bed.

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