Chapter 1

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London - Small pale raven black haired, freckles across his face, chest and shoulders, he wears a black crop top and flexible hunting pants, no shoes, his eyes are orangish red like a raging fire, he wear contacts which make them brown to blend in.
The Forgotten - Human village in the center of a massive forest that is surrounded by wolf packs that keep them in check.

Lupa- Alpha for the Blood Raven Pack, he is 6'ft tall, jet black eyes and sliver hair, he is carmel skin toned with a tattoo on his chest which was a raven with red eyes and red tip feathers, which represents their pack. His wolf form is a silver and black wolf with red eyes

Beta Kida - smaller wolf, with brown hair and green eyes, pale skin toned, same tattoo as the alpha, his wolf form is a brown and grey colored with green eyes


London was outside of a door listening to his parents argue, "you can't give him to the pack!" London heard his mom yell at his father. He was confused by what she meant by that, who was she talking about. "London isn't our real son, he doesn't listen and he's always breaking things with his temper, the deal has been settled. He leaves tonight" his father angrily told his wife and his father opens the door and looks at London as London fell forwards Abit. "Good I don't have to find you, be at the gates by midnight" he told London and walked off without any emotion towards him. "London sweet heart I'm sorry" his mother said as she sobbs, he sighs and stood up. "Don't worry, I'm strong" he assured his mom and he walks off as he grabs a small bag and tossed some old stuff in his bag, his stuff of his biological parents. He knew he wasn't normal, he could do things others couldn't do and it bothered him alot. He just wanted to live a peaceful life and a normal life, he walked and stood outside the gates and yawns Abit, he hated being outside the gates unless it was in the forest, he was always in trouble for hunting and running around.

It finally hit midnight, he grew Abit nervous as he heard a strange sound and saw what looked like a metal carriage but it wasn't drawn by horses. The door opened and a taller male stepped out and looked over at London, "your a lot smaller than I thought" he said, London rolls eyes and got into the back seat, "what is this?" London asked the male wolf. "This is a car, human villages are not allowed to use them, I'm Kida, Beta Kida" Kida told him. "London, a pleasure" he said and leans against the window in silence.

It felt like hours before we reached this massive village and Kida drove right up to a giant castle like building. "Woah" London let's out as the car stopped at the entrance, then suddenly the door open and I almost fell out, someone hand caught me and pulled me out and onto my feet. I slowly looked up at this massive person and blinks a bit. "Hello" he told the man and blinked, "your basically tiny" the male told me and growled a bit. "Not everyone can be a giant asshole" I smirked at him. If I had to be here, I won't be submissive to him. "Funny" the alpha grunts and began to walk, "call me Alpha Lupa" Lupa basically commanded him. "And call me London sir lupa" he said as he followed him, Lupa growls Abit annoyed at that comment. I chuckled Abit and followed him as I held my bag close to my chest.

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