The Truth

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December 14th, 2013 10:12 p.m.

"Holy shit." Toby mumbled, Clockwork could tell he was at a loss for words but she was fine with that. It was truly not an easy task to recall those things. She had told him only the things she could remember vividly, even then, she left out a lot of things. She sighed and rested her hands underneath the pillow while looking up at the dark ceiling, Toby laid next to her on his side, facing her. She wasn't sure why she told him any of that, maybe she felt that she didn't have to be shy about who she was. Besides, Jeff, Toby was the only person she had. 

"S-so, I got a question." He blurts, "If...somebody else like Tim or Brian had been tasked to take you, do you think you'd be in this spot with either of them?" It was an awfully insecure question but she gave it some thought, "No." she said plainly. "Those guys aren't my type." she added quickly. "Okay." they sat in silence, listening to her clockeye tick the seconds away. 

"So," Clockwork turns to face him. "What's your deal?" She asks, for a second he looks away before stammering over his words to start explaining. "Well, uh..there was my mom, dad and my..." He stops himself for moment, "My sister. Her name was Lyra. She died a while ago. My Dad beat us and our mom growing up but he wasn't always bad, he got addicted to a bunch o-o-of gambling, drugs, drinking." He rambled, it reminded her of her own family. 

"He was a s-shitty person."

"You killed him?"



They stay silent for a few minutes. "Big mission happening tonight." Toby informs her and she nods. "I don't think I'm going to go." she sighs, a moment of silence ensues and she turns back onto her back. "There's..something I really should..." She stops herself and trails off when she notices he'd fallen asleep. "That's fair enough." she mumbles and yawns, starting to feel tired herself.

The room is dark and the boring talk they had wasn't helping the tiring atmosphere, it was times like these that she wished she still had Gaffy; her old stuffed giraffe toy that she cherished so she could hold it how she used to. She sighs. She looks back at Toby, her heart races when she looks him over but it's a different type of beating that she usually felt when they were alone in the barn. In this moment, she wanted to move closer, to feel the same warmth she did in the barn but in a much more innocent way. She exhaled through her nose and her cheeks flushed when she turned to her side, facing Toby as he snored softly.

"I'm so stupid."  she thinks, self deprecatingly. Nervously, she raised her hand a tad, her heart raced and her clockeye began to tick furiously as her breathing increased until her hand is planted softly against his cheek. His skin is soft and it makes her smile as she cups his cheek more romantically. She presses her forehead to his, "Thank you." she mumbles softly. She rests like that for a minute and its peaceful. There's no noise from the other residents, just sweet silence. The silence made things calmer for her. Her eye starts to close, just before they do a pair of arms wrap around her back. 

Her eye shoots back open for a second as she looks up at Toby, who seems to still be asleep. With her heart racing, she yawns and her eye closes. After a minute, she kicks the sketchbook off the bed and wraps her arms around him the same way he had done to her....

11:20 p.m.

Clockwork's eye opens partly and she sits up from the bed, Toby isn't there anymore making her think he must've left for the mission. It's much cooler out now that its getting closer to midnight. She groans at the cracked windows bringing in all the cold air. She rolls her eye and checks her closet for anything warmer than her tank top and shorts but anything that would curate her coldness was in the wash. She mulls for a second before deciding a bath would be the best option. Sure, she'd have to wear the same clothes for another day even after getting out but it didn't matter.

Tics and Ticking-A TicciWork story!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt