Part 2: The Vitals

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Did it work??

She turned to where Bomb was. Where he had been laying down, motionless just a second ago. But now, he was sitting up on the table, breathing heavily. He was anxious and confused. Test Tube couldn't even fathom how horrible this must be for him. She would feel the same way if she were in his shoes. He starts to speak, his voice shaky.

"Wh-What- where- hhhow did..?"

He stared at her. She stared back, a look of pity evident on her face. She walked a bit closer.

"Don't worry. It's okay, you're safe, Bomb."

"This i-i-isn't- what th-the hell??"

He looks around, taking it all in for a second. He tries to speak again, but Test Tube shushes him before he can even finish the first word.

"Hey, listen. I saved you. You're back. You must've been suffering, and I know this is a lot, but just be glad to be alive!"

He stares at her again, not quite understanding what she's talking about. She takes the IV out of his arm, making him wince quietly, and places a bandaid over the wound. She just looks at him for a second.

"Wow. I really played God. I made life."

"I-I-I was already allllive before this.."

"I know, I know, but I mean- I created life again! Uh- hold on. There's this line from the Frankenstein movie that I always wanted to say in a moment like this.. Oh!"

She turns to face the wall to make this scene more dramatic, twisting to face him immediately afterward with a wide smile.


After a solid 30 seconds of maniacal laughter, she cleared her throat, looking normal again.

"Was, heh- was that good? I've been practicing for quite a while."

"I guess? I-I don't-.."

He paused for a moment.

"I d-d-don't really care? Can I llleave yet??"

Test Tube didn't exactly know what she would do after this, so that question hit her like a truck. This is tough. She shook her head.

"Not until I bring back Paper and OJ. They were way better at running that dank hotel than Pickle ever will be."

"That's a b-bit-"

"And then there's the fact that I'd have to EXPLAIN how you're alive right now! That's confusing!!"

"O-O-Ok, b-"

"Like, what am I supposed to say? 'Hey, I brought Bomb back to life using Frankenstein methods'?? Who's gonna beli-"

Then, she felt herself get pulled forward, being forced to stay face-to-face with Bomb. He glowered at her.


He scoffed, pushing her away again.

"Almost as b-bad as O-O-OJ."

"Bomb, I don't know if you forgot or something, but OJ killed people..?"

"Y'know wh-what else he did? Hurt m-my feelings."

She looked confused, and for good reason. Bomb crossed his legs as he just realized how weird that sounded, beginning to clarify.

"Wh-What I mean is.. he called me a llliar. He said that I-I-I was never his real f-friend! H-He tricked me, and I d-d-died. I felt hurt."

He seemed so obviously uncomfortable that it made Test Tube's skin crawl. Metaphorically. He finally got up and off of the table, walking around. She could now examine him more clearly.

There was a giant crack that got hidden by his fuse, which is just dangling out of the hole in his shell, and a small wound was right beside it. Some of his gunpowder was spilling onto the floor because of these gashes.

There was one thing she didn't expect, though.
His eye.
Instead of the usual green-ish hue that inhabited it usually, it was instead glossy and white, as if he had gone blind or something. She could tell he wasn't, though. Maybe that's just something to do with how he isn't meant to be alive right now. Corpse eyes.

Anyways, she walked over to him, holding bandages. She quickly held him in place, binding the cracks and holes in his head so that he looked.. mostly normal. He was confused.

"What was th-that for??"

"If you really wanna go up, you can. Just don't take off the bandages. I hope to God that you stay safe."

"...I hhhhope to God that Y-YOU go to Hell."

She thought that was fair. She'd react the same, honestly. Witha  solemn nod, she watched Bomb find the way back up and go.

She needs to revive OJ.

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