Chapter 9: Bhanu knows Supriya's Identity!!

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Story Unfolds:

At Kalinga Palace:

In the royal balcony a beautiful girl was fuming in rage. She could never believe what she heard in her own ears. She was kept in dark till now!!! By her own father!! Whom she had trusted most!!! In her childhood she thought she was the only daughter of her father. She did not know that she had another sister. A baby sister!!! She felt quite humiliated by this arising situation. She heard everything that Devi Rambha told to her father. She was none but first Princess Bhanu or Bhanumati of Kalinga.

                   Devi Bhanumati

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                   Devi Bhanumati

She was petrified. Her face was hot red in rage. Her anger was upon her father. King Chitrangad who did not accepted his own daughter Supriya. How could a father be so callous?!! She failed to comprehend!!!

She was pacing restlessly since she heard the news. But she decided what to do now. She had to confront her father. At this very moment.

At another room of Kalinga :

"Tumne yeah satya pehle kyun nahin bataya hame?!! (Why don't you tell me the truth before?!!)" A middle aged man was asking this question eagerly to a beautiful lady. He was none other than King Chitrangad himself.

  King Chitrangad (father of Su- Bhanu ie

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  King Chitrangad (father of Su- Bhanu ie. supriya & Bhanumati)

The lady looked at him in shock. She could not!!! She forgot her past at that time!! Due to the curse of Surya Dev!!!
She felt bit shy and maintained her calmness. She just stared hard at him. He looked to old, frail and fragile. He was not very good looking at all. But he had a charm!! He lost it now!! His eyes had eye bags as a symbol of his mental agony!!! His eyes were tired too. It seemed he did not sleep for ages. Her heart ached for him. It was true that she was infatuated to him but today she realized that it was more than that. She perhaps was in love with this man!!! 

 She perhaps was in love with this man!!! 

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Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Devi (Karna Series 3) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat