"Travis promise me"

21 4 0

Pov Travis

I sat in that stall for the next 40 minutes, trying to precess what just happend. My mind was racing but I knew that if I didn't get to class soon I would get in trouble with my Father.

So I went to the rest of the classes trying to avoid Sal even if it was very hard.
When the last lesson finished, I went to leave but before that I went up to my locker to put the rest of the books inside, that's when he came up to me.

"Hey Travis" He said and waved. I knew I couldn't avoid him but I was scared to say the wrong thing.
"Hello Sal" I said still avoiding eye contact.
"Wow you acatlly called me by my name, are we like cool now?" I noticed he slightly tilted his head as he asked that. I always noticed that becouse he wears a mask he expresses his emotions through his body language, if you really watch him you can see his eyes crinkle when he smiles and him bouncing from one foot to another when he gets very happy.

"If you want that sal" I want to give him the option to decide that and not push him to a friendship he doesn't want but feels too bad to say. And then it happends, he shifts his weight from one foot to another and his eyes crinkle. "Like friends?" He says happily and by his expression I can see that he wants this.

"Sure, friends" I say and close the locker and turn to leave but he stops me and takes my arm. I don't know what he wants so I make sure not to move sudden.

"Let me give you my number so we can talk!" He says and pulls up my sleeve and i hold my breath. You can see his surprise but he doesn't comment on the scars and bruises on my arm and just takes out a little marker and carefully writes down his number around my scares. He is very gentle as to not get ink on any of the scars.

I pull my sleeve down and smile at him and turn to leave. I walk outside the school building and watch as many kids run outside to their parents. I just make my way home.

When I finally arrive I stand in front of the door and my nervousness rises as i anxiously debate if I should go inside or jump off the next bridge is see, which is about a 5 minute walk. I think for another minute but then open the door to find my father sitting on the couch.

I take off my shoes and hang my jacked on the rack and walk up to him. "Sir I am home" I say quietly and I can already feel his anger on me before he opens his mouth. "Travis the teacher informed me that you were 30 minutes late to you biology lesson. Care to explain?"

"I wasn't feeling well, sir" my voice sounded less confident then I wanted it to. "Liar!" He yelled as he got up and walked over to me. Ever step he got closer I tried to get more away from him but I was backed up into a wall. I felt the familiar sting across my cheeks.

"You shall not lie to me in my own house. You fucking mistake" I felt the first hit to my stomach and then he unbuttoned his belt. I quietly begged to God to just let him end my suffering and let me die. But that didn't happend, something worse did. He took my shirt off as to punish me eithout getting the clothes he paid for dirty and then he saw it.

Sal's number written onto my arm. He started screaming at me asking who this belongs to and I just kept quite knowing if I told him it was from a boy I would get worse punishment then if I didn't answer him at all. "Answer me boy!" His belt carved itself into my back as it collided with my skin.

That was enought information for me to know what was gonna happend next and my brain went on autopilot. A few minutes later I was snapped back into reality as my Father finally turned back to the TV and sat back down on the couch. My body was burning with pain and I pushed myself to leave to my room.

I flopped down on the bed and closed my eyes. 'Just for a few minutes' I thought. Those minutes turned into hours and the next time I awoke the sun already set. I panicked and quickly pulled out my phone to text Sal.

Travis: Hey Sal, this is Travis.

I waited for an answer for a while but nothing came so I sat down at my lonely and empty desk and started working on the homework. I couldn't understand anything that the teacher had written down for us and the numbers kept moving. So after a while I just gave up. But It didnt matter much anyway because I heard my phone ding shortly after.

Sal: Hey Travis, you wanna hang out?

How was he so casual. I would have never had the courage to ask that so shortly after meeting someone. I really wanted to get away from my dad and hand out with sal but I was worried what would happend to me if I got cought.

Travis: Sure, can we meet around 8pm on the roof of the abandoned shop?

Maybe it wasnt smart to invite Sal to hang out with me at my favourite spot but I just really wanted to spend some time with him. I decided to try and get some work done before 8 but it was nearly impossible. So I packed a little backpack with a lighter and some cigarettes, my phone and a bit of money.

I opend my window and climed out onto the smal tree that was close to my window and jumped down. I looked around to see if anyone saw me and then put my hand in the fancy cut bushes and pulled out my skateboard. I drove to the abandoned shop and looked on the roof to find it empty. 'Maybe sal won't come and he just wanted me to get in trouble' I think of all the reasons why he woulnt be here and light myself a cigarette.

"Well thats not very holy of you, church boy" I hear a voice say and I turn my head to see sal giggling at me. "Hey Sal" I watched him climb up to the roof and sit down next to me and offered him a cigarette but he refused saying he was scared of addiction to anything because of his dad. "Sal how is your relationship with your father?" I asked as I looked at the now forming stars. "Well I wouldn't say it's perfect, he usally comes home late and is often drunk, but he tries to get better and we sometimes spend time together, so. Why?" he smiles at me.

I didnt answer him and we just sat there in silence.

I don't think we talked a lot that day but i think we still warmed up to each other in our own way. We would go out to the abandoned shop almost evey day and we started to be more comfortable around each other. I left him and his friends alone at school and me and sal started to have a pretty good friendship.

But...good things don't last...

1281 words

Authors note!
Sam here again, so I will be trying to update every week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if u did please vote and comment.
Also if yall have headcannons that are special to you in a way then comment them and I can maybe try to incorporate them into the story ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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