With her plate in hand, she headed back to where Huo Wei was. Her stomach was starting to protest in hunger, so she quickened her steps with the thought that soon, she would be able to comfort her stomach. Alas, fate had other plans.

At that very moment, a waiter carrying a tray of crystal-clear wine glasses turned abruptly. The waiter halted his steps midway to avoid a collision, but due to the sudden movements, the glasses teetered dangerously. In a frantic attempt to regain balance, the waiter stumbled, sending the entire tray of wine pouring forward and, unfortunately, onto Yu Yuan's gown.

Gasps of surprise echoed from the people nearby. Huo Wei, who was still in the midst of other guests, looked over. He caught a glimpse of his wife covered in wine, and his expression changed almost immediately. The people who were around him fell silent before making way for Huo Wei, who walked over in quick strides to his wife.

When he arrived, the waiter had his head down and was apologizing profusely. "I'm truly sorry for the accident, madam."

"What happened?" he inquired, his deep voice carrying a protective and slightly angry tone.

Seeing that her husband had arrived, Yu Yuan explained, "It was just a little accident with some wine."

Yu Yuan called it a little accident, but the frown etched upon his brows didn't lessen.

The waiter, seeing that things seemed to have gotten even worse, bowed even lower. "I'm sorry! I really am. It's all my fault. I should have been more careful."

Yu Yuan glanced at him and replied, "It's all right. Accidents happen sometimes."

The body of the waiter stiffened unnoticeably, but he continued bowing.

Huo Wei didn't pay attention to the waiter. He looked at the dress his wife was wearing in distress. The wine had seeped through completely, so she must feel uncomfortable now.

Luo Hai, who had gotten the news, walked through the small crowd that had gathered at their side. "We are truly sorry for this blunder. I'll arrange someone to quickly take her to where she can change her dress."

He gestured to one of the female staff to lead her to a room where she could change.

Yu Yuan turned to her husband. "I'm fine. I'll go change my dress and be back soon."

The frown on Huo Wei's face eased a little, and he nodded.

Yu Yuan followed the staff out of the hall. As they walked, Yu Yuan couldn't help but notice the heady scent of the wine. It seemed to hang in the air, clinging to her. The scent was both alluring and slightly intoxicating. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of wine it was.

The female staff stopped in front of a door. "Madam, this is the room. The closet has multiple dresses you can choose from. I'll take my leave now."

Yu Yuan nodded at her. "Ok. Thank you."

She pushed the door open and walked in, the door closing softly behind her. She walked a few steps further into the room before pausing to examine her stained dress. Her actions seemed natural, but only she knew the alarm bells that were ringing in her head.

There were two people in the room, hiding. She could point out the direction in which they were hiding, and from the looks of it, they had been waiting for her. Even worse, she was starting to feel certain changes in her body.

A peculiar sensation seemed to wash over her, starting as a subtle warmth that coursed through her veins. Yu Yuan blinked, her focus momentarily wavering as her body responded to an inexplicable stimulus.

Yu Yuan's eyes went cold. She didn't need to think twice before she knew she had been schemed against. Her breath quickened as her heart raced with a rather familiar excitement, her cheeks flushed with desire. The clear effects of an aphrodisiac.

The effects were fast appearing, but Yu Yuan remained calm. She hadn't eaten or drank anything since she had arrived. It must have been the wine. No wonder it has such a strong and intoxicating scent. It must have been to cover up the smell of the aphrodisiac that could be ingested via inhalation.

She had to say, the person behind this must have thought highly of her. Such a method that was hard to guard against was used on her. What happened to the old ways of slipping drugs into wine that would be drunk?

What should she do now? At this rate, the aphrodisiac would weaken her limbs until she could only lay down weak and helpless. That was probably what the intruders were waiting for. She had to act quickly.

Yu Yuan straightened up from examining her dress. She asked out loud in a puzzled tone while running her hands across her hair that had been put in an updo. "Why do I feel dizzy all of a sudden?"

Her eyes seemed slightly dazed, but if one looked closely, they would discover that they were as cold as glaciers. The hand that just ran across her hair hid a thin but sharp hairpin. Her senses seemed to sharpen, and every sound in the room amplified. She scanned their hiding places and prepared herself for confrontation. She only had one chance.

Mr And Mrs Huoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें