Myself (A Horror Story)

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I was so busy the whole day, finishing my projects on one of my subjects this summer class. It's a journal for our Interactive English subject, and I have to finish this right now because tomorrow will be the deadline. We were told to write anything and everything except nothing, and I'm down to my last entry.

I was in the living room and it was already 1 AM. As I was thinking what topic to write about, I turned off the television because there were no more shows to watch for. So I just had my phone's music turned on, put some earphones on, and listened to my favorite song.

Finally, I thought of writing a horror story. I wrote down all my ideas on my notebook and composed a short story. And after an hour and a half, I was done.

My eyes were so heavy that I wanted to close them immediately. I fixed my things and then went to my room to sleep. As I opened the door and turned on the lights, I was shocked and stood frozen.

I could not believe it!

I just saw myself lying on my bed, already sleeping!

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