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"Hey Felix!" I said, while smiling. "Hello? Who are you?" Felix wondered. "Don't you remember me?" He must've forgot who I was! "Wait a second!" Felix shouted, startled I replied: "what's wrong?" I was trembling because of the scare. Felix noticed and said: "I'm sorry! Did I startle you?" Of course he startled me! How could he not!? But... should I really tell him that? Maybe he will think I'm a scaredy cat... "no worries! I just had it a little cold.." I replied, with a fake smile on my face. "Oh, my bad!" Felix said. I heard a slight sigh from Felix, like a sigh of relief. Anyways, he also had a bit of a flushed face, it was really cute. "Here" Felix put his jacket on me, I was not actually cold! I was just making up a lie! In reality, it's really warm outside today... "I remember you, we were trainees at JYP entertainment together!" Finally he remembered! "I remembered you gave me some food when I was on a bad diet! That was so kind of you.." he hugged me, what a kind soul... I thought to myself. "You know what? Let me treat you to a meal tonight! As a thank you..." when he said that, I got really exited... we exchanged numbers, and set out a place to eat at 8.

"Oh my gosh! I just noticed I don't have anything in my closet to wear!! I guess I just go shopping..." I thought to myself... I went to the closets mall, and saw Felix talking with someone! I was too shy to approach, so I just went into a store and started looking at the clothes.. out of nowhere, I felt a hand on my back! I turned around to see that it was Felix, smiling.. "you looking for clothes?" Felix said, while grinning. "Yeah.. when I was looking through my closet for tonight, I noticed I did not have anything to wear for dinner tonight... so I would only think it was appropriate to wear some neat clothes." I said, while blushing a bit. "May I help?" Felix asked. "Help with what?" I wondered, what would he want to help me with? "Picking some clothes of course!" Felix said, while laughing a bit. It immediately came to me! I was so embarrassed... "yeah sure... go ahead!" Felix asked my size, and went straight for clothes.. did he not know how expensive it was here? He came back with his hands full, ooh my poor wallet... "try this out!" Felix said, while looking very happy.. like a cute little puppy. "O-okay" I stuttered, this must cost a lot... how will I afford this? I grabbed the clothes from Felix, and tried them on. "F-Felix I'm done!" I stuttered, while opening the curtains in front of me. "It looks amazing on you!" Felix said, "let's go pay!" Felix ran towards the cashier waiting for me to be done. "Felix.. come here for a sec" I whispered. "I can't afford this!" Felix laughed a bit, and said: "don't worry! I'll pay." What!? How could he pay? Isn't this for me?? Slowly I started heading to the dressing room. "Ill go dress myself now..." I muttered. I dressed really fast so Felix wouldn't have to wait long. "I'm done Felix!" I said while walking out of the dressing room with brand clothes. "Look Felix, you really don't have to do this! I don't need such expensive clothes..." I said, while grabbing my shirt. "Isn't this for our dinner tonight? I told you I would pay alright?" Felix said, with a big smile on his face. After he paid we went out and said our goodbyes. But before that, Felix asked: "by the way, what's your name?" A awkward silence fell. "My name is Y/N... did you forget?" I asked. "My bad! It's been a long time and I've met so many people.." Felix said, while frowning. "No worries, it's alright."

At home I fell on my bed, tired. "How could he pay so much for some clothing!" I muttered to myself. ~TRING TRING~ "ah!" I shouted, startled I walked to the door. "Yes?" I said, while slowly opening the door. "Hey Y/N!" Ugh It was my ex, I said that he needed to leave me alone.. "what is it dong-ah" I said, while rolling my eyes. "Please lend me some mon-" I slammed the door in his face. How could he ask for money!? This is absurd. "Leave me alone!" I shouted. "No. Open the door Y/N.. otherwise, I'll have to break through." He said, with an scary tone.. "I-ill call the police!" I was shaking, this bastard is crazy! "You can do that, but I will make sure you will not be here when they come then." Oh my god! My ex is a total psycho! I accidentally clicked on -call Felix- and it started ringing. "Did you seriously call the police!? You b#tch!" I started crying, fearing for my life. "Oh hey Y/N! What's wrong?" Felix said. "F-Fe-" before I could answer, dong-ah broke through my door. "Y/N? Hello?" I couldn't talk, dong-ah just broke through my door... "come here you little b#tch!" Dong-ah screamed. I bet Felix could hear it, because Immediately I hang up. Dong-ah wrapped his hands around my neck, and started choking me. Just as I was starting to fade away, I heard some guys screaming "hands up!" And after that, everything went black. I woke up to Felix sleeping right next to my bed, on a chair. I woke him up, "Felix?" He woke up, while crying. "I was so scared when I heard that someone was trying to hurt you.." how could Felix be scared because I was going to get hurt? I was just a low class trainee who wasn't important to him..
"I'm... glad? I guess." I said to Felix. Out of nowhere, Felix just turned and walked away. "What a weirdo.." I thought to myself. The police took dong-ah away, and now I was all alone in my house again. I did not know what just happened.. before I knew it, it was 7:30. "I need to get ready." I said to myself. I started putting on some make up, and dressing myself with the clothes Felix bought for me. "This looks good on me! I should repay Felix back tho.." I said. ~TRING TRING~ I fell to the floor, "is it dong-ah again?" Slowly I went to the door, I opened it... "Felix!?" I yelled. "Calm down will ya?" What was Felix doing here? "My bad... but, what are you doing here?" I asked him. "I came to pick you up for dinner!" Wait. How did Felix even know my address? I never told him it... "actually I have a question." I told Felix. "Yeah? What's the question?" I fell silent for a bit. "How did you know my address?" Even if he remembered my address from 2 years ago, that was a different home! So how.. "well... after the shopping, I saw a fan and they came up to me. She told me she was a big fan and she worked at XXX company. So I asked where you lived." Oh. My. GOD!? did Felix just ask someone from my company where I lived!? This can never go good... "o-okay..." I muttered. "Now.. let's go eat!" Felix said.

-you arrived at your destination- the navigation said. "Let me help you out of the car." Felix said while opening his door. "Okay, thank you." I said. He opened the door and we went into the restaurant. "Reservation for two, on the name Lee." Felix said with a big smile on his face. "Let me show you two the way." The ober said. When we where walking to our table, I noticed a familiar face... it couldn't be!? It was Hyunjin! What could he be doing here? "Are you okay Y/N?" Felix asked. "Y-yeah I'm a-alright!" I stuttered. We sat down and I kept staring at Hyunjin to make sure he wasn't going to see us. "So Y/N, what's your favorite animal?" Felix asked. "Huh? Oh! It's a red panda!" I said. "I love red pandas! They are so cute!" Felix looked a bit around, and also saw Hyunjin behind him. "Oh my! It's Hyunjin.. what's he doing here?" Felix whispered. "Maybe it's better if we go to a different restaurant, if Hyunjin sees us... maybe he will think we are dating!" I said. "Hey Hyunjin!" Felix yelled. What was he doing!? I can't be seen with an famous idol!? Not even their own members! "Hey Felix! Oh? Who is this girl?" Hyunjin asked. "Don't you remember them? They are Y/N!" Felix said. "They are?" Hyunjin said. Of course I am! How could he not know who I was!? Hyunjin sat down next to me, "so how are you doing?" Hyunjin asked. "I'm doing alright..." I said, a bit flustered because he was so close to me. Hyunjin wrapped his arm around my neck, and you could see that Felix was boiling. I wonder why? "Hyunjin... please put your hands of her."


(Felix x Y/N)  My friend is a famous kpop idol!?Where stories live. Discover now