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Y/n's POV

Breaking up with Cher isn't something that I want to do but I just can't take the fighting and bitchy remarks anymore. We've spent the last month or two of our relationship doing nothing but fighting over stupid, insignificant things and I have to leave before I completely break. So while she's at the studio recording another song I pack up the things that I'd brought with me to her house so that I'm ready to leave when she gets home and place the bag next to the door before moving to sit on the sofa, scrolling through my phone until I hear the front door open. Putting my phone back in my pocket I stand up to look at Cher while willing away tears because I really don't want to do this, I love her for fuck sake so of course I don't want to leave but I have to. "What's with the bag? Are you going somewhere?" She asks as she walks over to me but she doesn't actually look at me which only proves my thoughts right, I might still be in love with her but she doesn't feel the same about me anymore. Looking down at my hands I clear my throat to shiftthe lump that's formed before I look up at her and she finally looks at me with wide eyes. "Y/n? What's going on? Why is your bag packed?"

"Can we sit down and talk? No fighting or making any stupid bitchy comments? Can we just sit down and talk, please?" I ask her quietly but she just stands staring at me with wide, worried eyes. "Please Cher?"

"No, just say whatever you want to say and tell me why it looks like you're leaving me." She says as she searches my face and I run a hand through my hair as I sigh at the stubborn woman. "You are, aren't you? You're leaving me."

"I'm sorry Cher I don't want to, you have to believe me on that, but I can't do this anymore. I can't keep fighting with you over stupid, insignificant things and I can't keep listening to the bitchy remarks that you think I don't hear when I really do." I tell her honestly and she looks at me with wide eyes as she starts walking towards me. "I love you Cher, I love you so much but let's be completely honest. Our relationship is as good as over and I think that we both know that."

"No, you can't leave y/n. I'm sorry, for all the fighting and making those stupid remarks that I never should have made because I didn't mean any of them. I'm sorry for all of it just please don't leave, I love you. I love you so fucking much and will do anything to make this work." She says as she takes my hand while also cupping my cheek and it takes everything I have not to cry at how gentle she is. "Tell me what I need to change and I'll change it, just please don't leave." She adds and my heart breaks when I see the fear and tears in her eyes.

"I don't want you to change Cher, I could never want that." I say quickly as I pull her into me and she falls into my embrace crying which makes me lose my battle with my own tears. "Oh sweetheart there's not a thing that I would change about you because you're perfect just the way you are." I whisper into her hair as she holds me tight with her nails digging into my skin while her body shakes and I tighten my hold on her as I stroke her back soothingly. Closing my eyes I silently curse everyone that's hurt her before and made her think that she needs to change who she is for someone to stay with her.

"There has to be something y/n, there's always something." She whispers out and I shake my head as I pull back and cup her face making her look at me. "Please just tell me what to do and I'll do it."

"I really need you to listen to what I'm about to say Cher. You are amazing and I love you so much. I could never ask you to change who you are because I fell in love with the woman in front of me. I fell in love with Cherilyn Sarkisian, not Cher. Don't get me wrong I love watching you film your movies and record your songs but I also love the woman behind all of that." I tell her honestly as my thumb strokes her tear stained cheek and she searches my eyes before she calms down slightly. "I don't want to leave Cher but I'm so tired of fighting with you. I love you so fucking much and it's killing me how much we seem to have drifted apart in the last few months. I don't even know what happened! One minute we were fine and the next it's all falling apart around us."

"I know and I really am sorry y/n, can we please just try and work things out? I know that I don't deserve another chance but please? Let me try to fix this." She asks me and it's my turn to search her eyes but all I find is love and slowly I find myself nodding making her grin. Pulling her closer to me I watch as her eyes flutter closed with her lips parting slightly and grin at how fucking hot she looks before I lean in to steal her lips in a passionate kiss making her moan. Feeling her hands run over my back I moan into the kiss when one hand tangles in my hair while the other comes round to rip my shirt open as she pulls back and my head falls back in pleasure when she starts trailing kisses down my neck to my chest. Pulling away from her with a grin I take her hand and start to pull her over to the stairs so that we can make use of our large bed but we get stopped by her phone ringing. "Fuck, it's mum." She says with a groan and I chuckle as I play with my now ruined shirt making her bite her lip as she watches me.

"You better answer it then Cher, it might be important." I tell her as I nod to her phone and she reluctantly answers it while pulling me into her again. Kissing her lightly I pull away from her and relax against her as I listen to her talk to her mum, smiling when she looks at me with nothing but love in her eyes. Pulling her over to the sofa we curl up together as she talks to Georgia and I look over at my bag with a smile, that most certainly won't be needed anymore and as I look at Cher with as she throws her head back while laughing at whatever her mum says while pulling me almost into her lap I don't think that it ever will be because I don't want to leave this amazing woman.

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