And with that, he drove off, leaving me standing in the dimly lit parking lot, grappling with the consequences of my impulsive actions.

The grandeur of Henry's mansion did little to ease the tension that lingered in the air as we stepped inside. The walls seemed to close in on us, echoing the unresolved conflict between us.

"Can we talk about this, Henry?" I ventured, determined to clear the air.

He shot me a look, a mix of irritation and disappointment. "Talk? What's left to talk about, Sophia? You're out on a date with someone else."

"I told you, it wasn't a date. It was a mistake," I insisted, hoping my words would pierce through the thickness of his frustration.

His response was curt. "Mistake or not, I can't be with someone who plays games."

The accusation stung, and a surge of defiance rose within me. "Play games? Henry, I'm not playing games. I chose you because I love you, not because of your age."

His brows furrowed, a flicker of confusion in his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I don't care about the age difference. I fell in love with you, not the number of years you've lived," I explained, my voice firm.

He scoffed, a bitter smile playing on his lips. "So, what? Are we going to have problems every time you decide to date random guys, or should I say, younger men?"

The implication hit me like a slap. "Henry, it's not about age! I don't understand why you're making it about that. I thought we had something real."

His tone grew sharper. "Real? Sophia, this doesn't feel real. I can't be looking over my shoulder every time you decide to explore other options."

"I wasn't exploring other options. I was confused, and I made a mistake. Can't we move past this?" I pleaded.

He crossed his arms, a defensive posture. "Move past this? Sophia, this isn't something we can just brush aside. Trust is broken, and I need time to figure out if I can get past that."

I felt a surge of frustration. "Henry, I love you. Isn't that enough?"

He shook his head, his eyes tired. "Love isn't a free pass, Sophia. It's built on trust, and right now, that trust is shattered."

Anger flared within me. "So, what? Are you telling me it's over?"

His silence was an answer in itself, a heavy confirmation of the rift that had formed between us. "If you can't accept who I am, Sophia, maybe we're better off apart."

His words stung, hitting a nerve I didn't know existed. "Henry, it's not about their age. I chose you because I love you, not because of how old you are."

He rolled his eyes, dismissing my words. "Love? You go on a date with another guy, and now you're talking about love?"

The accusation in his voice fueled my frustration. "It was a mistake, Henry. I wasn't sure about us, about you and me. I never intended for it to hurt you like this."

Henry crossed his arms, his gaze intense. "Sophia, this isn't just about a single mistake. It's about trust. Can I trust you not to pull something like this again?"

"Of course, you can," I insisted, my sincerity overshadowed by his doubt.

He sighed, frustration etched on his face. "This is more complicated than you think, Sophia. It's not just about us. It's about friendships, loyalties, and expectations."

I bit my lip, struggling to find the right words. "I understand that, but we can figure this out together."

Henry shook his head. "Maybe we can't, Sophia. Maybe this was a mistake from the start."

His words hit me like a sledgehammer, and anger surged through me. "So, what? We just give up? After everything we've been through?"

He looked away, avoiding my gaze. "I don't know, Sophia. Maybe we need a break, some time apart to figure things out."

The mere suggestion of a break ignited a fire within me. "A break? Is that your solution to everything? Just running away when things get tough?"

"Running away?" He scoffed. "I'm trying to make sense of all this. Maybe you should too."

His dismissive tone fueled my frustration. "I chose you, Henry. I didn't sign up for a relationship with an expiration date based on your age or my mistakes."

He raised an eyebrow. "So, what's your solution then?"

"I don't know," I admitted, my frustration mixing with the sting of tears. "But I refuse to believe that we can't overcome this."

He remained silent, his expression unreadable. The weight of the unspoken words hung in the air, and I couldn't bear it any longer. With one last defiant glare, I stormed off, leaving him standing in the echoing emptiness of the mansion.

I retreated into the quiet corners of Henry's mansion, I couldn't escape the weight of the argument that echoed in my mind. The love I thought was unbreakable now seemed fragile, hanging by a thread. I needed to give him space, but the uncertainty of our future loomed over me like a storm cloud, casting a shadow over the once vibrant connection we shared.

This is our first real Couple fight.

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