Sanageyama's Will

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(Y/N): "Sen-I-soshitsu."

I watched the naked Unagari scamper away. I didn't even bother going to class. I know what you're thinking "weLl wHy diD yOu GO to ScHoLl thEN?!" Well, to be honest, I don't even know.

I saw Ryuko standing at the entrance to the Sports Gym which caught my attention. I didn't feel like speaking so I just walked passed her and went in, I saw lots of people standing around Sanageyama.

(Y/N): "What the hell..."

Ryuko tapped on my shoulder.

Ryuko: "Where is your uniform?! We're fighting Sanageyama today! Did you not see the sign?"

(Y/N): "I didn't know that... I'll just fight like thi-"

Omita: "(Y/N), here."

Omita was standing there... holding Koketsu.

Omita: "Put it on and fight, I promise no one looks at you differently here. It actually just made people want to fight you more. And don't worry I explained everything to Ryuko."

I smiled wistfully.


I smiled brighter hearing that so I did. I quickly changed into the uniform.

(Y/N): "Let's do this."

I looked up at a window the rest of the Elite Four, they all looked at me. I saw Akuma standing there with them but he just shot me a thumbs up.

Sanageyama: "So you've come, Matoi, Saito."

Ryuko: "We were summoned by name by one of the Four Elites."

(Y/N): "We wouldn't walk away from an opportunity like this."

Sanageyama: "I like your spirit! Let's get right to it!"

Narrators Pov

Sanageyama started to transform.

Sanageyama: "Three-Star Goku Uniform: Blade Regalia! It's not just the Kamuis that can transform!"

(Y/N): "Well, we can see that now. Guess we should follow suit!"

Ryuko and (Y/N) pulled the pin of their gloves.

Ryuko/(Y/N): "Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu/Koketsu!"

(Y/N)'s uniform was the same as when he went on a rampage except the strands of Life Fibers were more vibrant. His eyes were glowing red and his fangs were long. His uniform completely wrapped (like a mummy) his whole body except for his eyes, mouth and hair.

(Y/N): "Let's do this..."

That same sinister voice except it was a mix of (Y/N)'s normal voice. Ryuko was the first to make a move. She sliced Sanageyama's uniform in half but it was just an illusion.

Ryuko/(Y/N): "Huh?!/Huh?!"

Everytime (Y/N) or Ryuko landed a hit, it just seemed like it didn't land.

The New Student At The Academy (Kill La Kill x Op! M! Reader x Oc's)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat